ZDC SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC P81AEBAs&FOSSCsA10Ss+1S,D,+2DW+HM4M,R, DW&LLMCVsHNnPA1stT

11 months ago

ZDC SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC Part 81 All Exact Burst Attacks & Full OSS Chains All 10 Styles +1 Spear, Dagger, +2 Dual Wield + Hit Maximize for Mace, Rapier, DW & Low-Level MC Vs HNightmare no Poison Abuse 1st Try

Here is one of the Videos that I believe will be quite helpful to those still playing this game. Take note that the Full OSS here are the recorded ones so if you plan to record the same you'd best to either activate the cancel point before, after, or at the same time as the recorded OSS has its cancel point widened.

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