THE ORIGIN STORY OF JESUS Part 95: Free, But Still Slaves

1 year ago

Johanan Hyrcanus led Judah for 39 years. He was a good military commander, a savvy diplomat, and a decent politician. He took advantage of the Seleucid civil wars and captured a number of cities to restore the lands that existed during the golden age under King Solomon.

Hyrcanus oversaw the enslavement the Samaritans and the spiritual rape of the Idumeans with their forced spiritual conversion. The Pharisees, Sadducees, and the Essenes were political parties that developed during this time.

Judah Aristobolus I succeeded his father and also took the title of king. He starved two brothers to death and murdered another to safeguard his position but succumbed to sickness within a year. Alexander Jannaeus ascended to the throne and became an evil king.

He befriended the Sadducees to shore up his power and then crucified 800 Pharisees for entertainment. There was only war and hate during this time period as each man served himself.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1896 -- JANUARY 22, 2023

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