This video may offense some of you because the truth hurt. by carolinejoyous

1 year ago

I love people and do not intend to hurt nor offend anyone. I love Jesus Christ most of all, and it is God's love shed abroad in my heart that causes me to unconditionally love people. My ministry is to speak the truth, no matter how unpopular it may be. God knows my heart. If you are a murderer, homosexual, drunkard, adulterer, gambler, thief, abortionist, witch, or the worst sinner on the planet—I love you in the Lord Jesus Christ. I do not hate you and never would because of the love of God He has put in my heart. If I met you on the street I would say hello and be kind to you, regardless of who you are (or what you are). I would not say anything mean to you, nor would I criticize you if you admitted to being a homosexual, murderer or a witch. It is not my place to judge anyone, for only Jesus has the nail-scared hands and feet. Romans 14:10-12, James 4:12 and 5:9 tells us that God is our only Judge.

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