Irish lawyer Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC speech at the Rothschild controlled I.C.J. in the Hague Netherlands CORPORATION, condemning Rothschild Israeli “state” CORPORATION FOR THE UTTER HORROR IN GAZA

1 year ago

At Rothschild controlled CORPORATE The Hague, Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC delivered an powerful statement - condemning the also Rothschild OWNED & CONTROLLED CORPORATE Israeli "state" for the utter horror it has unleashed against Gazan people.

Note, that every so called "nation" is a privately owned ROTHSCHILD CONTROLLED CORPORATION. So what good can this do?? THAT depends on the people around the world! IF the people massively rise as ONE, then the horror will be stopped. IF the people continue to serve the CORPORATE Rothschild dominated globalist CRIME SYNDICATE, then the people will continue to be the ones fulfilling the globalist crime syndicate agenda, FOR the corporate globalist crime syndicate, AT THEIR OWN AND EACH OTHER'S EXPENSE.


Here it is in full - everyone needs to see it.

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