Father Bob's Mission from God

1 year ago

Welcome to episode 13 of The Paranormal Rundown! In this episode we have our first listener question, about God's Judgement and whether he punishes us before or after death. We also have special guest Canon Father Dr. Robert Wills, of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. In addition to hearing the fascinating journey Fr. Wills took to get to Georgia, we cover topics such as Meeting God is a Baaaad Day, What Angels Look Like, Swedenborgians, How do Prophets experience God, How to create High IQ Children, How is Intelligence Measured, Thoughtographic Phenomenon, Ted Serios, and Fabricating Paranormal Evidence.

If you would like to reach out to Fr. Wills, you can email him at: vanguardcec@yahoo.com

We would Love to hear from you! So please email us at feedback@paranormalrundown.com. Give us a shout and let us know your opinion of the show (even if it is horrible), send in ideas for topics to add to the list, or just say hello.

The Paranormal Rundown is a partnership between the hosts David Griffith, JJ Johnson, Father Michael Birdsong, and Vic Hermanson.

Music on this episode was provided by Smart Sound, and any media clips are protected by the Fair Use Doctrine.

Be sure to check out our partner podcasts:

You can find JJ at Southern Demonology, https://www.southerndemonology.com

You can find Vic at Trailer Trash Terrors, https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vic-hermanson

You can find Father Birdsong at https://www.becomingahouseofprayer.com, as well as hear his new podcast Ending the Curse at:


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