HOW TO CURE CANCER? - As Cancer Rate SKYROCKETS Following Vax, The Cures Are Being CENSORED

8 months ago

GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:

Josh Sigurdson talks with John Richardson on RNC Store as cancer rates skyrocket in the aftermath of the deadly injections.
So-called "Turbo Cancer" is the faulty term used to describe an injury caused by injecting oneself with gene altering drugs that destroy the immune system. Pfizer and Moderna's own patents and papers admit to the injections causing cancer. Meanwhile, the same pharmaceutical industry has been hiding potential cures for decades.
One such potential "cure" theorized by countless scientists, doctors and personal testimonies is apricot seeds which have "laetrile" and "amygdalin" in them. Also known as "Vitamin B17, the results over the past 50 plus years have been incredible.
G. Edward Griffin wrote the book "World Without Cancer" 50 years ago and was attacked for promoting apricot seeds due to pharmaceutical lobbies spreading misinformation about "cyanide." Yet, all the same, millions have testified that it saved their lives.
In this video, we expose the lies and break down the amazing benefits and potential benefits of apricot seeds.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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