Prepared Horses For Battle...

11 months ago

Proverbs 21:31 The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But victory belongs to the LORD... Through Jesus Christ and His Gospel, as well as His teaching along with the teaching of the Apostles in the Word of God... We as Believers are as horses prepared for battle... Jesus did not just us a sweet feel good message of a life filled without obstacles and countless enemies against our soul... Instead warned time and time again in the Gospels of persecutions, trials, torments, and tribulations but instead of fear, He has given us the means to be prepared and stand strong in Him through the Holy Spirit and face any and all situations we face... More than just stand but to be more than Conquerors...
The mast majority of churches today and ones who claim to be believers in Jesus today are as if they are holding a ticket in their hand to board a cruise ship for nice and tempered Caribbean cruise... When in fact Jesus has prepared us horses prepared for battle and instead of expecting a nice Caribbean cruise, we as Believers should be well trained through Jesus and the Apostles to be as a trained army on a Battleship... Everytime we speak the Lord's Prayer we ask of God to protect us from the enemy... In Jesus's prayer of John 17, Jesus said to the Father, I'm not asking You to take them from this world but to protect them from the evil ones...
Throughout the scriptures we can clearly see where God has protected His people through giving His Holy Angels charge over them (Psalms 91)... Jesus has sent the Spirit of Truth to lead us in Boldness and Courage to prepare and stand against the schemes of the enemy in which we are not ignorant of... That is if seek the scriptures instead of the doctrines of demons and men... We are given Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit of Discernment of Spirits, Wisdom as well as true Words of Prophecy spoken from the Lord Himself to be warriors and not simply passengers in this life... Ephesians 4:29 Let no unwholesome Talk come from your mouth but Words for the encouragement and the building up of the Body Christ... We are not just to be at war for our own personal selves but to be at war against the Powers, Principalities and Workers in High Places that are at war with of course us personally, our families, our neighbors, our communities, our cities, our states, our nation's and our earth...
Again we are horses prepared by Jesus and He is the Victor through deliverance, healing and He is soviern over all the evil Powers of this world... A horse heads into battle head first, always observant and always charging head-long...

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