Is Christianity Compromised? - Ravi Chandran

1 year ago

We read much in the Old Testament about the nations being judged due to their idolatry, and God being a Just and Jealous God of Love. Israel was severely warned about cleansing the land they were about to inherit from all idolatry and informed that God was handing this real estate to them due to the judgement pronounced on those who inhabited it before. However, after settling in the promised land and being satisfied with the blessings of God, the children of Israel adulterated themselves with the very same gods they were supposed to get rid of. After many warnings and trials, the same judgement that was deemed on those who lived there before came to them.

There were many pagan gods in those days but 3 seemed to be a snare to Israel repeatedly. Baal, Asherah and Molek. These deities have shifted names over the sanctuaries but their seductive influence remains the same. What do they represent, and could these spirits still be luring in Israel let alone Christianity today? The Bible clearly states that "judgement begins in the house of the Lord” as it did in the Garden of Eden. Have we kept Christianity idol-free, or could these sinister spirits be lurking around in the darkness?

Let us ensure we do not fall under the same temptations that befell God’s chosen people. Yes - the love of God endures forever and His mercies never end. However, this has always been, and still is, only extended to those to repent. Not to those who are oblivion of their conditions.

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