Tucker Carlson with Dennis Quaid – The Power Grid is going Down – Be Prepared

8 months ago

No, this one doesn’t have anything to do with Klaus Schwab’s Cyber Attack plans. This has to do with our Sun emitting powerful EMP’s or Solar Magnetic Flares – A Solar Storm that is called a Carrington Event which would wipe out our electrical grid. It would FRY it.

A Carrington Event did occur in 1859 that wiped out the Telegraph, it all had to be rebuilt.

Dennis Quaid’s film (documentary) is called “Grid Down, Power Up”.

No Food, no good water, no medicine, we would be back in the Stone Age within a year and 90% of the population would be DEAD.

These Solar Storms do happen frequently. In 2014 we barely missed one that would have done just this. The flare would only hit one side of the Earth. Whatever side that is, it will not be good.

The good thing is that supposedly something could be done by putting “Surge Protectors” which could handle such energy surges.

This solar storm would not directly hurt people.

According to Dennis Quaid, America has done very little to prepare for anything like this. He says something needs to be done right now. We have the technology it is just nothing is being done about it. It could be accomplished in just a couple years.

It all could have been 100% accomplished with the Funds our Morons sent to the Ukraine which half will end up getting looped right back in their back pockets. Corrupt f*ckers.

If this type of event would happen, it would be Lights Out for a long, long time because we are not prepared.

There is a 100% chance that this will happen again and we are not prepared for it.

Source: Tucker Carlson -- https://rumble.com/v46na1o-be-prepared.-the-grid-is-going-down..html?fbclid=IwAR3l1n27ZjOny5uVoooX9PVZe6y8b5MINxJF0-I-b0MB20BnPGb9p8hmBTk

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