
8 months ago



越戰時期的美國空軍攻擊機飛行員布萊恩舒爾少校(已退休)透露了駕駛洛克希德 SR-71 黑鳥—絕密偵查機,也是有史以來速度最快的飛機的精彩細節。

本演講於 2016 年 11 月 15 日在勞倫斯利弗莫爾國家實驗室發表。
據布萊恩舒爾少校介紹,在他的SR-71 訓練任務中,當他在海拔89,000 英尺的圖森(Tucson)上空飛行時,他可以看到442 英里外的洛杉磯市中心以及1000 英里外的落基山脈和加拿大。
如果我們檢查地球儀的“地平線距離計算器”,在 89,000 英尺高度飛行的飛行員是無法看到地平線以外 366 英里的地方。 因此,物理現實與想像中的地球的數學模型完全不同。

The LA Speed Story
Vietnam-era attack pilot Major Brian Shul (retd) of the USAF, revealed fascinating details of piloting the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird - the top secret spy plane and the fastest aircraft ever built.
This talk was presented at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on Nov.15, 2016.
According to Major Brian Shul, during his SR-71 training mission, while flying over Tucson at an altitude of 89,000 feet he could see down town LA, 442 miles away and the Rocky mountain ranges upto Canada, 1000 miles away.
If we check globe earth's "distance to the horizon calculator", a pilot flying at 89,000 feet altitude couldn't see beyond the horizon at 366 miles. Physical reality is therefore completely different from the mathematical model of the imaginary globe.


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