EASY! How To Paint Acrylic Full Moon From Dots For Beginners

1 year ago

Hi friends! Sammy’s dreaming of a special adventure he’s never been on before—strolling along a moonlight beach. But guess what? Even if Sammy hasn’t been there yet, Sue’s here to wave her magic wand, or rather, magic paintbrush, and make that dream real in a jiffy. Any guesses on how? We’re diving into painting a breathtaking moonlight scene that’ll leave everyone spellbound! Ready to dive in?

Before working on our masterpiece, let’s gather all the needed stuff. Step one: place a circular tape for the moon. Step two: make a whole lot of colorful acrylic dots. Now we're all set to blend our way to make a sky and a beach. It’s super-duper easy! But hold on tight—there’s more! Mountains, moon coloring, trees, grass drawn with mascara brush, and the cherry on top: pink flowers all around the palm trees. The final result? Totally spectacular!

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