Benjamin Fulford Report 01 / 05 / 2024 / ベンジャミン・フルフォード・レポート 2024年1月5日

10 months ago

In this report Mr. Fulford talks about the earth quake in Ishikawa Pref. Japan hit on Jan.1, 2 and 3. I intentionally focused on this topic because It's against my humble understanding of the situation which I'm pretty sure about. I believe this kind of discernment is gonna be necessary in coming months and years. As " White Hat " has been draining the swamp it has become a kind of secret society . So called White Hat is made of many organizations, such as. US Air Force where Mr.T seems to belong to, the new financial sector for which a person like Charlie Ward speaks, and White Dragon Society where Benjamin Fulford belongs, etc. Their common objective is stopping child traffic and its related business. But each has its own agenda, too. It's already confusing many alternative truthers who don't belong any certain group.
When I put Mr. Fulford's report, my intention is that here is what White Dr
agon Society wants you to know. Anybody who has signed NDA (
non disclosure agreement) is a just spokesperson for the organization. What they say is not always true. This is a very important point to remember.

By the way this is the Epstein List :

This is the data from I believe Japan Meteorological Agency. The very first hit is below and next 48 hrs every several minutes hit somewhere that region and still as of Jan. 15 is going on. Most of them, I don't have time to see every one, its depth is 10km or less. This can not be DEW.



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