10 Lies of the New World Order for DUMMIES

1 year ago

Here are the top 10 topics ( in no particular order ) that the media and academia are currently using to manipulate the masses in order to gain global control and shake down the populous which will ultimately bring about slavery.

1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as a vehicle to promote advancement which dumbs down our society. Think Idiocracy.
2. War under the banner to bring Freedom or Democracy to smaller nations. Does Iraq have democracy? We spent 20 years in war there trying to bring democracy to those people? Same with Vietnam, "winning the hearts and minds" of those people was the slogan. George Bush used this very same lie when talking about the Afghanistan people.
3. Gun Control as a means to reduce violence.
4. Electric Vehicles as a means of limiting your travel.
5. Science and it's agenda which is bought and paid for by Non Governmental Organizations. This field of study has only one agenda and it's not innovation and cure. It's to make money and to keep you stupid and addicted. Think about it....if Big Pharma could cure cancer they would be out of job. Doctors, Educators , Scientists, Economists and even our Judicial are all sitting in positions of power to influence the masses in order to maintain Plutocracy.
6. LGBTQ+ and it's desire to reduce population and minimize your security.
7. CBDC's and the Social Credit system meant to contain your ability to purchase.
8. A.I Technology as a means to dumb you down, reduce innovation and make us lazy.
9. Democracy - a buzz word that usually translates Plutocracy. They like connecting this word with the bucket messaging by saying "its under an existential threat" What they are really admitting is that they fear losing control over you.
10. Immigration as a means of replacing the ones who know their rights and are willing to defend their lives for it. Its an attempt to dilute the Freedom loving nations.

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