Heart warming close look at a calf's entry into the world

1 year ago

Life on a farm like this one is a wondrous thing. The miracle of birth is a frequent one and a calf entering the world on a sunny day is something unforgettable.
Daisy is a lucky cow who lives on this beautiful farm in Ontario, Canada. It's acres of lush pasture on rolling hills, ponds full of clean water, and trees for shade. The "girls" here graze freely and lie in the sunshine when they are relaxing and chewing their cud. It's as perfect a life as a cow could want. There is even a bull here who does his duty in the natural way and watches over them protectively.
Daisy is a seasoned mother who has had a few calves and she knows her time is coming again. She picks a spot on the hill and lies down to let nature take its course. Her herd mates seem to know what's happening and they line up and take a spot in the grass beside her. Their calm presence seems to comfort Daisy as she begins her labour. The other cows look on, unconcerned, but seemingly there for a show of support. They have all given birth a few times themselves and they must understand that a calf is on the way.
Daisy begins giving birth and works quickly, with her calf emerging over the course of ten or twelve minutes. A healthy and chunky male, he slides out smoothly and waits patiently as his mother licks him clean. Slowly, he will gain the strength to stand and nurse. The licking and grooming is important for the bonding between the mother and the calf. It is also imperative that Daisy cleans up anything that could attract predators such as wolves or coyotes. Daisy's new baby will need to get to his feet as quickly as possible and stay close to the herd for protection. He will also need to get a dose of the first milk which contains colostrum, the antibodies that will build his immune system and nourish him in the first day. Calves are able to walk within a few minutes of birth and they are highly mobile in a day or two. Nature looks after the healthy and gives them the ability to care for themselves early in life.
This young calf gets to his feet and begins drinking with enthusiasm.
The birth of a calf is a wonderful part of nature and a true joy to watch.

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