January 6 Was an Inside Job

1 year ago

After more than four years of investigation into the Jan 6 PSYOP, it is clear to any honest researcher that rogue elements of the U.S. government did not want a Congressional Investigation into the 2020 Presidential Election, which was what the crowd of patriots who were assembled there that day at the Capitol wanted more than anything. In fact, that was their one reason for being there--to urge an investigation into the stolen 2020 Presidential Election, not to engage in what the political Left has to this day so speciously called an "insurrection."
In the month or so leading up to the "Stop the Steal Rally," which was highly publicized beforehand, traitors within the FBI, CIA, and DoD used that opportunity to make arrangements to plant hundreds of agent provocateurs within the crowd who would, at the exact moment Congress was set to vote on the Election Investigation issue (see timely red smoke signal event that occurred near Ray Epps), begin engaging in violent acts that were aimed at inciting violent actions within the crowd of otherwise peaceful protesters who gathered there that day at the Capitol.
Ultimately, the provocateurs, along with the help of D.C. and Capitol Police and Antifa operatives, were successful in creating a riotous incident there at the Capitol, which made it impossible for Congress to ever vote on the issue of whether or not to mount an investigation into the credibility of the 2020 Presidentiasl Election, because all of the legislators were quickly evacuated from the building by Capitol Police at the very moment they were set to vote on the matter. After the lawmakers finally returned to the Capitol, the issue was, of course, never revisited again.
What a coincidence. Right?
This film provides you with the untold stories of the Jan. 6 defendants whose liberties have not only been routinely violated by the criminal, illegitimate government that now rules over us in D.C., the whole process of prosecuting the patriots who were set up that day has been reminiscent of the political show trials that we saw take place in the USSR when it was under Communist rule. In fact, the entire DOJ prosecution process amounts to nothing more than political vengeance by the Left who, even after they successfuly stole the Presidential Election, wanted to make certain that they squashed any appetite for resistance by patriotic Americans who might organize in the future.
Deep Dive Into The January 6 PSYOP
Freedom Movement Manifesto

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