Don't Wear Silk and Here's Why (Episode 1 Apocalypse Series)

1 year ago

Did you know if you have sheets of linen they are considered holy attire? 

Linen, a natural fabric made of flax:

Sleeping in linen helps a person fall asleep faster and deeper

Improves mood

Rapid healing from surgeries and healing, which is why hospitals have used linen sheets in the past.

Resistant to fungus and bacteria

Barrier to some diseases

Regulates body temperature - Warm when cold, cools when warm

We are electric beings and every cell in our body is like a battery. Whether we realize it or not, the vibrational frequency of fabric impacts us through touch. This can change our energetic and functional norms.

1)  Super Fabrics, which send positive vibration would logically heal and maintain health:

Linen, made from flax - 5000 mHz

Wool - 5000 mHz

These should be worn separately. Wool's energy flows from left to right, whereas the frequency of linen flows right to left. Mixing these two together will cancel out the healing effects to zero.

2)  Healthier, but not a super fabric:

Organic cotton -  70 to 110 mHz

Non-organic cotton, bleached and/or dyed - 40 to 70 mHz

There are different articles showing that cotton can have a much higher signature frequency, even up to 400 mHz.

3)  Low energy, no healing fabrics is just about everything else that is synthetic:

Rayon, made of wood pulp, including bamboo - up to 15

Polyester, made from petroleum - up to 10

Spandex, Lycra, and elastane, made from polyurethane synthetics - up to 15

nylon, synthetic polymers - up to 15

Silk - up to 15.  Made from silkworms just after they've spun themselves into a cocoon to transition into a silk moth.  Cocoons are boiled (with worms in) to unravel the fibers.  

A sickly, nearly dead individual's frequency is about 15.  Any healthy individual with a frequency of 100 wearing low energy fabrics logically would have a strain on their body. 

We've been led to believe genetic predisposition can cause illness, it's important to stress these non-healing fabrics may be destructive. Wearing them constantly probably reduces the immune system and the cells inside the body where cell to cell communication ceases. This would lead to accelerated destruction.

Low energy fabrics may cause inflammation, illness and even emotional issues.

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