Today in History Food Edition January 16, 2024

11 months ago

St. Fursey
Irish Apples and Cream Custard
National Fig Newton Day
Fig Newton (Copycat)
National Quinoa Day
Quinoa Pancakes
Tropical Quinoa and Blackbeans
International Hot & Spicy Food Day
Hot Sopressata Shakshuka
In 1894 Charles H. Phillips Chemical Company registered 'Milk of Magnesia' trademark
Milk of Magnesia
1915 Rosenella Cruciani 'Rose' Totino was born (died June 21, 1994)
Totino Pizza Rolls
1920 Prohibition began in the U.S., which banned the sale of all alcoholic beverages
Safran Serbeti
In 1945 Carl and Margaret Karcher opened Carl’s Drive-In Barbeque restaurant in Anaheim, California. (The first Carl's Jr. restaurant opened in 1956)
Carl Jr’s Star with Cheese (Copycat)
1978 Helen Corbitt died (born Jan 25, 1906)
Texas Caviar
2000 A truck carrying evaporated milk is driven into the state capitol building in Sacramento, California, killing the driver.
Evaporated Milk
2004 The first Starbucks coffee shop in France opened today
Caramel Frozen Blended Coffee (Copycat)

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