Dipali Ojha: "Indian justice is ready to try Bill Gates for crimes against humanity"

9 months ago

Storm-shit against BillGates, translatio english-italian. Indian lawyer Dipali Ojha has filed a lawsuit against Bill Gates at the Mumbai High Court to bring justice to a young man who died after receiving an experimental vaccine imposed by blackmail. "It is not the first time that Bill Gates has used the Indian people as guinea pigs for his dirty experiments"
ITA -L'avvocato indiano Dipali Ojha ha avviato una causa contro Bill Gates presso l'Alta Corte di Mumbai per rendere giustizia ad un giovane morto dopo la somministrazione di una vaccino sperimentale imposto con il ricatto. "Non è la prima volta che Bill Gates usa il popolo indiano come cavia per i suoi turpi esperimenti.
Video interview in 17 feb 2022
of VISIONE TV (italian channel on youtube) Link video https://youtu.be/v9J4vMaOgw8?si=PMjwDZcos-O8teqt

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