49 Year Old Skater getting back into Skateboarding. | What I learned as an Older Skateboarder.

1 year ago

It's been a long time off the board and I just wanted to share my experience for anyone looking to get back into skateboarding or even if you're new to it. I've missed skateboarding so much and after weight gain among other life issues skating just took a far back seat. Well my friends the time for regret is over because I'm back and loving it. I'm just a little bit older and heavier but with a healthy diet, exercise and skateboarding back in my life the pounds are melting off. Let's connect in the comments!

- Pandrezz – cuddlin (Kupla Master)
- Provided by Lofi Records
- Watch: https://youtu.be/0WmRB9Iz-30
- Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/1amstudysession

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→ https://lofigirl.com/blogs/releases/1-a-m-study-session

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