Ma Ying-Jeou Promotes CCP’s Narrative, Under Its Control for Years

9 months ago

01/12/2024 Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show: The former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is pushing the CCP's narrative that Taiwan should trust Xi Jinping and reduce military tensions. But NFSC got the intelligence from whistleblowers inside China that for many years, Ma has been under complete control of CCP, because CCP is good at using honeypots and sex bribes to buy politicians. They have been monitoring his private personal life, and he doesn’t want others to know that he is bisexual.
01/12/2024 妮可做客Grant Stinchfield Show:台湾前总统马英九宣传中共的论调,称台湾要相信习近平,要缓解军事紧张。但是新中国联邦从中共国内部爆料者得到情报,多年来马英九一直被中共完全控制。因为,中共很擅长利用桃色陷阱和性贿赂来收买政客。中共一直在监视马的私生活,他并不想让外界知道他是双性恋。

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