What does s*xual consent look and feel like

1 year ago

True consent does NOT rush a decision because a REAL “yes” can only come from the truth of a regulated nervous system informing you that it is safe to proceed. Anything else in the fake tantra world is a form of spiritual r@pe.

This is also why you won’t see me pressure someone to work with me by having them sign up within 24 hours to “get a deal” because that often triggers the nervous system and then they aren’t making a clear decision.

How much MORE careful should we be with s*xual energy?!

Not everyone who tells you they are of love and light are. I said what I said, discern wisely.

#Tantra #FakeTantra #RawLove #Sexuality #SacredSexuality #Sacred #Holy #HolyShift #ConsciousRelating #ConsciousCommunication #Trauma #TraumaBonding #SexualAbuse #SexualPredator #AbuseAwareness #ISTA #InternationalSchoolOfTempleArts #FalseLight #LoveAndLight #Embodiment #Love #RapeCulture #SpiritualRape #Groomers

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