Justice At All Costs

8 months ago

#165/260 - source date: 12/SEPT/2017
Video Description (Verbatim):
"Welcome to the party let me tell you who is in attendance, well we have the DEEP STATE proudly represented by Steve Gordon and his evil sidekick McLaughlin, who everyone forgot to mention the judge worked for his Attorney General daddy, so you see the Attorney Generals office is present as it is on the Bench this is how the DEEP STATE works corrupts your courtroom the AG and targets whistle-blowers. You see I went fishing one day and I was thinking of what bait to use, it is critical to use the right bait, now I want to catch the ranking members of the DEEP STATE, the top filthy dogs. Now that's a rare fish to catch, you see these ranking members have minions the mafia used to call them buffers I call them subhuman sacrifices. So the question still remains what bait? The perfect bait the largest drug cartel in this Country the laundering system with ties to Epstein which is why Maxwell shows up in New Hamshire. Aganost the head of the Cartel forced the DEEP STATE out for me, he paid Billions in protection it was time for him to collect from Bill Shaheen, so that how we brought the party together all present and accounted for. Oh I almost forgot all under the watchful eye and the head of the DEEP STATE and the FBI. Many of you may not know this that Bill Shaheen and Steve Gordon the US Attorney and Assistant US Attorney, maybe you remember the whitey Bulger years and the protection they gave Bulger they gave Aganost, who was under the protection of Shaheen and it is now still under the protection of Shaheen today, so the question should be if Whitey Bulger went unchecked how big could he have gotten today. As you see me being handcuffed they are standing proudly and watching, that's tier money shot tha'ts what they paid for, even the camera man Gregg who was also my paralegal was working for the DEEP STATE and the Cartel. so when they think that you broken and beating you hit them on the head with the rat trap.

REVISED description 08/03/2020

Condensed Version

We are in a moment of time and have a single chance to seize justice. I have isolated a drug cartel and the corrupt politicians and courts that protect them. Now is the time to find courage. If you are reading this know that I am in jail. They need to stop me at all costs, including through murder.

President Donald J. Trump this is the swamp you have talked about. This is the exact reason that New Hampshire has the worst heroin problem in the country and was called ground zero by the DEA. I can hand over to you Bill Shaheen, who controls the courts and protects these cartels. Bill Shaheen's wife is US Senator Jeanne Shaheen and also the associate of US Senator Maggie Hassan. Maggie Hassan only became a US Senator because of the fixed election you are currently investigating.

We have one drug cartel, one crime boss and two dirty Senators. It is the gift that keeps on giving. This is two Senate seats that voted down your health care bill, need I remind you that you lost by only one vote? Here we are, are we going to stand up and fight for the justice for our children? Or are we the sheep that the corrupt think we are?"

Video Content Source: Mike Gill:
Mike Gill (14 Jan 2024):

Mike is a regular guest on The Michelle Moore Show:


Thank you for watching.

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