Coral Island Episode 8

1 year ago

Lots of mining in this one. I'm drilling down (so to speak) on the Earth Giant quest, and I expect to find him at the bottom of the Earth Shaft.

The Spring season is coming to a close, so on a whim, I decided to sell off my harvested vegetables, for what must have been the first time, because they turned into a giant pile of money! Who knew that farming could be so profitable?

"Last Episode" was another unrecorded wonder. Too bad, I discovered the Museum and the Community Center.

Something this game does, that feels inconsistent, is that sometimes you get a message in the mail, and it turns into a quest. And sometimes it doesn't, even for things that seem as important as the Museum and the Community Center.

The other thing that happened in the lost episode, was the Spring Planting Festival. This was just an excercise in clicking, but it did result in some rewards. Plus, all of the townfolk were gathered together in a small space, so I met quite a few that I hadn't before.

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