Mitch McConnell spendera miljarder till Ukraina, men DET ÄR ett penningtvättssystem ägd av Blackrock

1 year ago

Mitch McConnell spendera 113 miljarder till Ukraina, men det går egentligen inte till Ukraina. Det ska till amerikanska försvarstillverkare. Han erkände att det är ett penningtvättssystem ägd av Blackrock.

Detta funkar att göra helt öppet då de använder ett mycket gamalt knep som alltid fungerar. De ser till att vi bråkar med varandra, svarta mot vita, muslimer mot kristna, Socialdemokraer mot borgare osv osv.

VARFÖR BETALAR SVERIGE MASSOR AV PENGAR TILL UKRAINA? Eller är et en penningtvätt!!! Det är uppenbart. Ukraina används som ett proxyland dvs. NATO/Väst krigar mot Ryssland genom ett annat land. VI MÅSTE ENAS OCH SE VILKA SOM ÄR BOVARNA.

This is a war that wouldn´t ever happened. The Russians tried repeatedly to settle on terms that were very, very beneficial to Ukraine and us. The major thing they wanted was for us to keep NATO out of the Ukraine. The big military contractors want to add new countries to NATO all the time. Why isn't that? That country has to conform its military purchases. And NATO weapon specifications, which means certain companies like Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing and Lockheed get her trapped market. March of 2022, we committed $113 billion dollars. Just to give you an example, we could have built a home for almost every homeless person in this country. We then committed another 24 billion since then two months ago, and now President Biden is asking for another 60 billion. But the big, big expenses are going to come after the war when we have to rebuild you all the things that we destroyed, Mitch McConnell was asked can we really afford to spend 113 billion to Ukraine, he said. Don't worry. It's not really going to Ukraine. He's going to American Defense Manufacturers. So he just admitted it is a money laundering scheme and who do you think owns every one of those companies? Blackrock! So Tim Scott, during the Republican debate, said don't worry, it's not a gift to Ukraine. It's alone. Raise your hand if you think that that lone is ever getting paid back. Yeah, of course it's not. So why do they call it alone? Is it? They call it a lone. So they can impose loan conditions And what are the lone conditions that we impose on. Number 1 of extreme austerity program? So if you're poor in Ukraine, you're going to be poor forever #2. Most important, Ukraine has to put all of its government owned assets up for sale to multinational corporations, including. All of its agricultural land, the biggest single asset in Europe. Ukraine. There's been 1000 years of war fought over that land is the richest farmland in the world is the bread basket of Europe. 500,000 kids, almost Ukrainians, have died to keep that land as part of Ukraine. They almost certainly didn't know about this loan condition. They've already sold 30% of it. The buyers were DuPont, Cargill and Monsanto. Who do you think owns all of those companies? Yeah, BlackRock. And then in December, President Biden. Gave out the contract to rebuild Ukraine and who do you think got that contract? Blackrock!. So they're doing this right in front of us. They don't even care that we know anymore because they know that they can get away with it. And how do they know that? Because they haven't strategy and that strategy. An it is and old old strategy, which is they keep us at war with each other. They keep us hating on each other. They keep the Republicans and Democrats fighting each other and black against white and all these divisions that they sow

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