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WEF, Great Reset and their masterminds – Is there a world conspiracy after all?
Mrs. Merkel, Tony Blair, even President Putin, they were all Young Global Leaders before.”
“The WEF has the task [...] of implementing the agenda of the NWO worldwide with the help of large corporations.[...] The entire corporate elite is all together at the WEF – including central pharmaceutical companies, which played a key role during Corona.”
In just a few decades, the WEF has managed to become one of the most important political and economic hubs of world affairs. How did an unknown German professor manage to catapult his Swiss foundation to such unimaginable heights. Were there possibly influential forces supporting him in the background?
Who are the masterminds behind the WEF? This Kla.TV documentary ruthlessly exposes the actual plans of the WEF and all management levels. Also find out which people from your country are implementing the WEF agenda and have been strategically trained by the WEF to do so.
From January 15-19, 2024, the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum - WEF for short – will take place in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. According to its own information, it will focus on new technologies and their impact on decision-making and global partnership. The WEF sees the annual meetings as the most important platform for promoting the public-private partnership (PPP) at the highest level. More than 100 governments, all major international organizations, the top 1,000 global companies, major academic and other institutions, as well as global media will participate.
Hardly anyone doubts that the WEF and its initiatives can be felt as the driving force behind globalization. Globalization has become a fact in society. Globalization originates from “global” – which means that “it concerns the whole world” – and it literally means “becoming world-wide”.
According to the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), complex forms of global governing have developed in recent decades, and are called, among experts “Global Governance”. “Global Governance” is generally translated as “world order politics”, but can also be literally translated as “world government”. And it’s exactly here where views are divided. Some, such as the “Federal Agency for Civic Education”, insist that the term does not refer to a central world government and that no such government exists. Others, however, see a world conspiracy behind the WEF and its initiatives such as the “Great Reset”. They say, a “global elite in politics and business is striving for a globalized dictatorship.” This point of view of a possible world conspiracy is being defamed as a conspiracy theory by almost all so-called established and synchronized media.
But where are the boundaries between globalization, Global Governance and a central world government? Are there any boundaries at all or does the advancing globalization not simply serve as a breeding ground for a centralized world government?
This program sheds light on these questions and aims at taking a look behind the WEF and the Great Reset: Who are the masterminds and is there a world conspiracy after all?
The origins and foundation of the WEF
In 1971, the German economist Klaus Schwab established the non-profit foundation “European Management Conference” which was renamed, in 1987, the “World Economic Forum”, or WEF for short. Within just a few decades, the WEF has managed to become one of the most important political and economic hubs of world affairs.
In his book “World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite”, German journalist and financial expert Ernst Wolff wonders how an unknown German professor managed to catapult his Swiss foundation to such unimaginable heights. Were there possibly influential forces supporting him in the background?
Kla.TV-Founder Ivo Sasek said: „Nevertheless, as mentioned before, it seems to me that the World Economic Forum has been pushed into the forefront by even more influential background powers. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum provides strong evidence of this, himself. Like many young highflyers in recent state politics, Klaus Schwab was completely unknown to the average citizen until just recently. And his fast rise to being the “private world leader”, I will say, is unmistakably evidence of a hidden background power which inevitably makes me perceive the whole WEF as a private global economic sect – one that has been successfully installed into world politics. “
Backgrounds of Klaus Schwab
Klaus Schwab is a member of the globally oriented and influential Bilderberg Group. He has taken part in numerous Bilderberg meetings and even served on the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
The men behind Klaus Schwab
Between 1966 and 1967, Schwab completed an academic year at Harvard Business School in the US. Quoting Ernst Wolff: “Here, he got to know some personalities who had a great influence on the rest of his life. According to Schwab himself, his professor Henry Kissinger was one of the people who most influenced his thinking over the course of his life.”
Kissinger, who died on November 30, 2023, was an American political scientist, self-confessed global strategist and director of the think tank “Council on Foreign Relations”, or CFR for short. (More information on Henry Kissinger
Unlimited Hangout, a US platform for uncensored and independent investigative journalism, summed it up as follows: "The World Economic Forum wasn’t simply the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but was actually born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and by John Kenneth Galbraith and Herman Kahn. Schwab had an elite American political team working in the shadows that aided him in creating the European-based globalist organization (the later WEF) […]” Years later, at the “European Management Symposium” in Davos in 1980 – the forerunner of the WEF – Kissinger gave the opening speech and said: “For the first time in history, foreign policy is truly global.”
The two other Harvard professors were probably hardly less important than Kissinger: John Kenneth Galbraith and Herman Kahn. Galbraith flew to Europe with Kahn to help Schwab convince the European elite to support the project. This is what “Unlimited Hangout” reported. According to a 1997 New York Times article, Schwab returned with the idea that Europeans would probably pay good money to learn about the management methods taught at Harvard Business School.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006) was a Canadian-US-American presidential advisor and one of the most influential economists of the 20th century. Galbraith was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR for short). Herman Kahn (1922-1983) was an American physicist and founding member of the Hudson Institute. He was also a member of the CFR.
The first meetings in Davos
The first meeting organized by Schwab took place in 1971 as the European Management Symposium. The main speaker at the meeting was Otto von Habsburg. Kenneth Galbraith and Herman Kahn were also among the speakers.
The first meetings were held under the patronage of the European Commission and European industry associations. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the honorary patron of the third European Management Symposium in 1973. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands organized the first Bilderberg Conference in 1954 in the Hotel de Bilderberg near Arnhem, which belonged to him at the time. In secret at the time. Prince Bernhard was the first chairman of the Bilderberg Group’s management committee until 1976.
In 1975, the “European Management Forum” published its first institutional brochure. Quote: “The European Management Forum is an independent, self-financing, not-for-profit Foundation, aligned with the strategic needs of the top decision-makers of European business.” After just five years, the Forum had established itself at the highest levels of business and government. Until 1983, the European Management Symposium was, as Klaus Schwab put it in his opening speech, “the foremost annual gathering of decision-makers of the world economy”.
Financing the WEF
The WEF was founded in 1971 as a non-profit foundation and has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. According to Ernst Wolff [Book, Ernst Wolff, "World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite", 2022, p. 9], the main beneficiaries – besides the WEF – were the “Open Society Foundations” of US billionaire George Soros and of modern foundation law, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This was created primarily to make it easier for wealthy people to evade taxes. In addition, they could directly influence politics, economy and society which is done by bypassing parliamentary structures.
According to the portal “Infosperber”, WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab alone receives an annual salary of around one million Swiss francs. The WEF’s coffers are said to be filled with several hundred million Swiss francs. At the same time, the WEF does not pay any federal taxes. The WEF is mainly financed by its 1,000 member companies. Typically, these are global companies with a turnover of more than five billion US dollars per year. According to the Swiss daily newspaper “Südostschweiz” (as of January 22nd, 2019), the annual membership fee is 60,000 Swiss francs. Each of these companies is allowed to send one representative to Davos. An additional ticket costs 25,000 CHF plus VAT.
Strategic Partners
Of course, the WEF does not only have ordinary members, there are 120 strategic partners. The minimum annual contribution starts at around CHF 600,000. The list of companies that serve as “Strategic Partners” of the WEF reads like an alphabet of globalization: from Allianz to Bank of America and Credit Suisse (UBS from June 12, 2023), from Facebook to Huawei and KPMG (explanation: KPMG is one of the four largest auditing companies in the world with an annual turnover of 32.1 billion US dollars) to Microsoft, Unilever and Volkswagen.
Other big names include Airbus, Alibaba, Amazon, American Express, Apple, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BlackRock, Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs, Google, IBM, IKEA, JPMorgan Chase, Mastercard, Morgan Stanley, Nestlé, New York Times, Open Society Foundations, PayPal, SAP, Siemens, TikTok, Time, UBS, Zurich Insurance Group, and so on. Of course, pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer are also involved. The complete list of all WEF partners can be found on the WEF’s website:
The WEF employs around 850 people worldwide and achieved a turnover of 383 million Swiss francs in the financial year July 2021 to June 2022. The WEF’s financial reports are criticized for not being very transparent. The apparently considerable profits are said to be reinvested and it is unclear how rich the forum really is.
3. The management structure of the WEF
The Chairman of the Forum is its founder and Managing Director, Professor Klaus Schwab. It is managed by a Board of Trustees (explanation: supervisory body or Board of Directors). According to its own statements, these are exceptional individuals who act as guardians of its mission and values, and oversee the Forum’s work in promoting true global citizenship.
Norwegian politician Børge Brende has been President of the Forum since 2017.He was his country's Minister of the Environment from 2001 to 2004, then Minister of Economic Affairs and Trade until 2005 and Foreign Minister until 2017. Brende is a member of the Bilderberg Group and its Steering Committee. (Explanation: Highest decision-making body)
Members of the WEF’s Board of Trustees
The selection of members is unlikely to be a coincidence, as their networking shows. Members of the Board of Trustees include:
Ajay Banga - Indian-US-American manager. President of the World Bank since 2023. Member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, an influential policy advisory think tank founded by Zbigniew Brzeziński and David Rockefeller.
Marc Benioff - US-American entrepreneur. Chairman and CEO of Salesforce, a listed software company. Private assets estimated at around USD 8.1 billion in 2022. Member of the CFR.
Thomas Buberl – German manager and CEO of the AXA insurance group. Participant at the Bilderberg Meetings 2017, 2019 and 2022.
Laurence D. Fink – US-American entrepreneur. Founder, Chairman and CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management company. The group’s assets under management amounted to USD 8.70 trillion at the end of 2020. Fink is also a member of the Trilateral Commission and on the board of the CFR.
Orit Gadiesh – US-Israeli manager and Chairman of Bain & Company, one of the world’s largest management consultancies. Participant in the Bilderberg meetings in 1997 and 1998, also a member of the CFR.
Kristalina Georgieva – Bulgarian politician and economist. Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Participant at the Bilderberg Meeting 2016.
André Hoffmann – Swiss entrepreneur. Since 2006 Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Roche Holding AG (Switzerland), one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Member of the “Club of Rome” and participant at the Bilderberg Conference 2019.
Joe Kaeser – German manager. Chief Executive Officer of Siemens from 2013-2021. Earned 9.27 million euros as CEO of Siemens in 2020. Member of the Trilateral Commission in Europe. Attended the Bilderberg Conference in 2015 and 2016.
Christine Lagarde – French lawyer. President of the European Central Bank (ECB) since 2019. Member of the Bilderberg Group and participant in the Bilderberg meetings in 2009, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017.
David M. Rubenstein – US-entrepreneur. Co-founder and Co-Chairman of the Carlyle Group, one of the largest private equity firms in the world. Private assets estimated at 3.2 billion US dollars in 2019. Member of the Trilateral Commission. Participant in the Bilderberg meeting in 2017, also currently Chairman of the CFR.
Al Gore – US politician and environmentalist. Did not attend a Bilderberg meeting, but plays a key pioneering role in the climate agenda. His film “An Inconvenient Truth” (2006) went around the world and into schools. In 2007, a court in London ruled that students must be made aware of errors in the content. For example, that the melting of the glaciers in West Antarctica and Greenland will not “in the near future” cause sea levels to rise dramatically, as Gore's film claims. The father of two school children, who had filed a lawsuit, described the film as “brainwashing” that had no place in schools.
The interconnections of CFR, Bilderberg Group and Trilateral Commission
Participation in a Bilderberg meeting runs like a common thread through the members of the WEF Board of Trustees (explanation: supervisory body or board of directors). It is therefore worth taking a look at the networking of the CFR, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission at this point. The following Kla.TV program provides information: "Bilderberg Group – the secret shadow government?” ( )
The strategic plan to create the Bilderberg Club originated at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR for short). The CFR is a private U.S. think tank, founded in 1921, which pulls the strings as a kind of shadow government in the United States. Henry Kissinger recalls the genesis of the Bilderberg Club: „We met 60 years ago as part of a study group at the Council on Foreign Relations. Shortly afterward he (David Rockefeller) encouraged a discussion group, which later was developed into what is now known as the Bilderberg Group.“ David Rockefeller was a director of the Council on Foreign Relations until 1985 and then he served as its honorary chairman until his death. Henry Kissinger (b. 1923) was present at the birth of the Bilderberg Club. He has always enjoyed a strong position at Bilderberg conferences.
Kissinger was one of David Rockefeller’s closest allies until the latter’s death. He is a longtime member of the CFR and served on its Board of Directors from 1977-1981. On the occasion of his 100th birthday, Kla.TV aired the documentary “100 Years Henry Kissinger – Global Strategist and War Criminal?”
The Bilderberg Group was founded at the initiative of David Rockefeller (1915-2017). David Rockefeller was president and major shareholder of Chase Manhattan (now JPMorgan Chase), once the world’s largest US bank. Under his leadership, Chase Manhattan Bank became a central pillar of the international financial system. Throughout his life, Rockefeller pursued the plan of one world government led by high finance. He wrote in his memoir, “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal that works against the best interests of the United States. They designate me and my family as 'internationalists' and conspirators who collaborate with others worldwide in order to build up a more integrated global political and economical structure – One world you could say. If these are the accusations then I plead guilty and I am proud of it.”
David Rockefeller, in order to achieve this goal, initiated various organizations or so-called think tanks whose “foresight” influences international politics. Thus, in addition to the Bilderberg Group, he together with Henry Kissinger and global strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski also founded the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission dates back to the Bilderberg meeting in 1972, where David Rockefeller proposed its creation. Many of the Bilderberg members also joined the Trilateral Commission.
Interim Conclusion
So far, it is clear that the origins of the WEF go back to global strategists such as David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. In order to work towards their goal of a centralized world government, they set up think tanks to influence international politics. Starting with the CFR, this gave rise to the Bilderberg Group and later the Trilateral Commission. The WEF must be seen as another piece of the puzzle in this series to realize their goals of world government.
4. What were the objectives of the WEF?
The WEF can be seen as a modern form of think tank to bypass parliamentary structures and influence international politics. Financial expert Ernst Wolff writes in his book, [Book, Ernst Wolff, “World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite”, 2022, p. 9], quote: “The WEF plays a special role here, because its example is an excellent illustration of how parliamentarism has been increasingly eroded and condemned to ineffectiveness in recent decades. Moreover, this story shows that the course of the world is increasingly being determined by forces that are not elected by anyone and are often little known to the public.”
The WEF’s Task
Listen to a statement of Kla.TV-founder Ivo Sasek: []
“The WEF has the task to implement all this as well as the NWO agenda on a worldwide level with the help of large global corporations. The entire corporate elite is concentrated at the WEF – including central pharmaceutical companies playing a key role during Corona. “… You see, although the WEF is not a public institution, it nevertheless clearly dominates the entire world politics, and quite considerably.”
5. WEF Initiatives to achieve its Goals or Agenda.
Crucial strategic initiatives of our modern times have always been introduced through the WEF platform. For example, these include the Club of Rome in connection with the climate dictatorship, the GAVI vaccination alliance in connection with the vaccination dictatorship, the pandemic exercise of October 2019 “EVENT 201” – and thus the Corona-dictatorship, the Great Reset, transhumanism, etc. The relevance of the individual initiatives will now be discussed in the following:
Year 1968 – Club of Rome – Climate dictatorship
At the 1964 Bilderberg meeting (March 22-24 in Virginia, USA), David Rockefeller, Max Kohnstamm and Aurelio Peccei met to search for the best ways to reduce population. The starting point was the initiation and use of global crises. [see S&G 26/2023] Finally, the “Club of Rome” was founded in 1968 after a Bilderberg meeting (April 26-28, 1968 in Canada) by David Rockefeller and Aurelio Peccei. Both were on the lists of participants at the Bilderberg meetings in 1964 and 1968. Aurelio Peccei (1908-1984) was an Italian industrialist. He was Fiat manager and chairman of Olivetti and Italcon.
According to Ernst Wolff [Book, Ernst Wolff, “World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite”, 2022, p. 28], Peccei was the most acclaimed speaker at the 1973 WEF meeting. He summarized in his speech, the core themes of the book “The Limits to Growth”. This was originally a report of the “Club of Rome” on the state of humanity, published in 1972. Peccei addressed in his speech, global overpopulation as the biggest problem of humanity and derived from it the demand to reduce world population. In an interview, Klaus Schwab said: „I worked on climate change since 1973. Just to tell you, because I was the person who gave the Club of Rome the first big platform!”
2000 – GAVI, Vaccination Alliance and Dictatorship
[Explanation: GAVI = „Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization“]
The alliance was founded on January 29, 2000 at the World Economic Forum in Davos with the aim to counteract the stagnating and in some cases even, declining vaccination rates already since the end of the 1990s in the world’s poorest countries. Ernst Wolff writes in his book [Book, Ernst Wolff, „World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 79], that the founding of GAVI “was by far the most important event at the first meeting of the new millennium.” Quote Wolff: “The initiators of the foundation were the WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (as well as the Rockefeller Foundation [p. 81]). The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided the Alliance with start-up funding of USD 750 million.”
According to a press release issued by GAVI on January 23, 2020, politicians from leading industrialized nations pledged their support for the GAVI Vaccine Alliance. This was part of the 20th anniversary celebrations at the World Economic Forum. German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced a funding commitment of EUR 600 million for the years 2021 to 2025.
In an interview with Kla.TV in June 2022, Wolff defines another major goal of GAVI:
[] It is even more interesting that GAVI together with Microsoft and some other companies founded the ID2020, which is the Digital Identity Alliance, the alliance for the promotion of digital identity. And this is the dream of all digital corporations, to give every person in the world their own digital identity. And behind it are also GAVI and Microsoft that means Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This is quite interesting, if you look at it: GAVI is a medical organization. Consequently one should assume the head of this GAVI probably is a doctor. But far from it, the head of the GAVI is none other than Juan Manuel Barroso, who is the former head of the EU Commission, but at the same time he is also a classmate of Bill Gates and Angela Merkel in the WEF’s elite educational institutions. And by the way, this man has also been an advisor to Goldman Sachs since 2016. The main shareholder of Goldman Sachs is none other than BlackRock – so that’s where it comes full circle again.
2005 – Young Global Leaders
According to the WEF website, Klaus Schwab founded the “Young Global Leaders” (YGL) forum in 2004. It emerged from the “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” community, which existed from 1993 to 2003. Quote: “Our growing membership of more than 1,400 members and alumni of 120 nationalities includes civic and business innovators, entrepreneurs, technology pioneers, educators, activists, artists, journalists, and more.” The aim is to “to shape a more inclusive and sustainable future”. According to their own statements, the members maintain the “2030 Initiative”. This aims to create an action plan to realize the vision of an ideal world in the year 2030. Ernst Wolff writes in his book “World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite”: [Book, Ernst Wolff, “World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 64-65] “For the first time, the elite began to specifically select their own young offspring, systematically train them, prepare them for their tasks and network them with each other. Just how sensationally successful the project was is shown by a few names from the first cohort, which read like a Who’s Who of the political and corporate elite of later years. They include among others Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, José Manuel Barroso and Bill Gates. As the following 30 years have shown, this laid the foundations for a closely linked network of politicians, business leaders and media professionals that was to have a decisive influence on the course of the world.”
[Book, Ernst Wolff, "World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 265]
“Russian President Vladimir Putin does not appear in the lists of participants of the Young Global Leaders or the Global Leaders for Tomorrow. But Klaus Schwab himself mentioned him in two interviews as a Young Global Leader.”
(Original statement by Klaus Schwab at the WEF 2019): “Mrs. Merkel, Tony Blair, they all were [Young Global Leaders]. Even President Putin. With you, Chancellor Kurz, the New Zealand Prime Minister of New Zealand, the three youngest leaders of governments are here!”
Wolff pointed out another characteristic in an interview with Kla.TV in June 2022:
[] “It’s interesting that just they took a particularly hard line during the Corona crisis. So, here in Germany it was the Health Minister Jens Spahn, in Austria it was the ex-Chancellor Kurz, in France it was Mr. Macron, in Canada it was Justin Trudeau and in New Zealand it was Jacinda Ardern. They all, these Young Global Leaders of the WEF, took an extremely tough stance in it.”
Find out which people from your country are implementing the WEF agenda and have been strategically trained by the WEF to do so. The document listing all 3,800 “Young Global Leaders” from 1993-2023 can be found below this program.
2007 – Annual Meeting of the New Champions
In 2007, the WEF introduced the “Annual Meeting of New Champions”, which takes place every year in China and is also known as “Summer Davos”. These are representatives of “global growth companies”. These are flagship companies from fast-growing emerging markets such as China and India, as well as fast-starters from industrialized countries.
2011 – Global Shapers
In 2011, the WEF founded the worldwide “Global Shapers” network for people between the ages of 20 and 30 who have great potential for future leadership roles in society. The “Global Shapers Community” consists of self-organized local hubs (i.e. centers) in major cities around the world.
[Original statement by Ernst Wolff in an interview with Kla.TV:] “In the meantime, the WEF has gone still one step further; now it has launched a new program that has been running for about 10 years and is called the “Young Global Shapers”. Worldwide they count by now about 10,000. They are young start up entrepreneurs who are only allowed to be between 20 and 30 years old.” The WEF's “Global Shapers” program must be seen as yet another tool to advance the global agenda of world government by the WEF backers.
2016 – Transhumanism
New technologies were discussed at the 2016 WEF Annual Meeting, from “gene editing” to artificial intelligence and 3D printing. “Genome Editing” is a collective term for molecular biological techniques for the targeted modification of DNA, including the genetic material of plants, animals and humans. According to the WEF’s website, the following questions were asked:
“How will these technologies change the lives of the next generation?”
“How will these technologies change business, government and society?”
“How can people and technology collaborate to achieve better results?”
Financial expert Ernst Wolff on this [Book, Ernst Wolff, “World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 117] “Schwab’s book 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' was published at the 2016 Annual Meeting and later translated into 30 languages. His basic message was that the merging of technologies from the physical, digital and biological worlds was creating completely new possibilities. [...] Despite his warnings about the risks of the development, Schwab openly embraced transhumanism in numerous interviews and described the merging of human bodies with the digital sphere as evolutionary progress."
In a video from 2016, Klaus Schwab explained what he understands by “Fourth Industrial Revolution”: []
„The fourth industrial revolution will impact our lives completely, it will not only change how we communicate, how we produce, how we consume, it will change actually us, our own identity.” „It will be like a tsunami, and actually it’s not just a digital revolution, it’s digital, of course physical – it’s nanotechnology, but it’s also biological.“
„The fourth industrial revolution will impact our lives completely, it will not only change how we communicate, how we produce, how we consume, it will change actually us, our own identity.” „It will be like a tsunami, and actually it’s not just a digital revolution, it’s digital, of course physical – it’s nanotechnology, but it’s also biological.“
Ray Kurzweil, US inventor and Head of Technical Development as Director of Engineering at Google LLC, described the plans of humanism as follows: “This merging of man and machine, with the sudden explosion of machine intelligence, will lead to a world where there is no longer a distinction between biological and mechanical life, or between physical and virtual reality.”
At this point, it is important to pause for a moment and consider what this means and what the consequences are: This opens the door to the manipulation, control and management of humanity by anonymous programmers. Nothing would stand in the way of a centralized “one-world dictatorship”!
2019 – Agenda 2030
On 13 June 2019, Klaus Schwab, Director of the World Economic Forum, and UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, signed a partnership between their two organizations. The purpose of the partnership is to accelerate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These political goals of the United Nations (UN) came into force on January 1, 2016. The official title is “Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, or “Agenda 2030” for short.
In principle, it means that the power to shape the global future has been handed over to major global corporations and their owners. The agreement also states that “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” of the World Economic Forum is an important component in implementing the 2030 Agenda.
Călin Georgescu is Romanian and a former high-ranking member of the United Nations. In the Kla.TV program of March 11, 2023, he revealed what is behind the UN agenda. Here the summary from the introduction of this Kla.TV program:
[] “The United Nations together with the World Economic Forum WEF and others are currently in the process of introducing the 2030 Agenda worldwide. This is the biggest transformation ever planned for all countries and all peoples, and aims to change every aspect of human society: finance, agriculture, food, travel, economics, sexuality, education, etc. The ultimate goal of the 2030 Agenda is to establish a one-world government with unelected leaders. At the heart of this world government are the United Nations along with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum. Above them are financial interest groups that operate in complete secrecy so that no one shall ever hold them accountable for their crimes against humanity.”
2019 – Event 201 – Corona-Dictatorship
According to the Johns Hopkins University’s website, the “Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security”, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, hosted “Event 201” in New York on October 18, 2019. The event dealt with the fictitious case of a severe global pandemic triggered by a novel coronavirus called nCov-19. The pandemic exercise dealt with situations in which public-private partnerships are necessary to deal with such pandemics. Ten weeks later, China reported the first Covid-19 cases to the WHO.
2020 – Great Reset – Digital Dictatorship
The Great Reset is the name of the World Economic Forum's initiative to reshape the global economy and global society in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ernst Wolff summarized in his book what this is all about: [Book, Ernst Wolff, “World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 133] “A full four months after the global pandemic was declared (on July 9, 2020), Klaus Schwab presented his book 'COVID-19: The Great Reset', written with author Thierry Malleret. [...] Together with his book, Schwab presented the 'Great Reset Initiative', with which the WEF, in cooperation with its partners, intends to tackle the construction of the post-COVID-19 world. It is noteworthy that the corona crisis is only seen as a temporary phenomenon in the context of this initiative. [...] The main focus is on two other issues: Climate change and the fourth industrial revolution.”
[Book, Ernst Wolff, "World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 144-145] “The introduction of digital central bank currencies is at the heart of the Great Reset. It is currently being prepared in the background worldwide and supported by the WEF. [...] In practical terms, the project looks like this: Every citizen and every company should only have a single account deposited with the central bank. This would enable the state to centrally determine the money supply, manage and control money flows and set interest rates as required. [...] Citizens will very quickly realize that the state could not only track every single transaction, but also impose individual interest rates, individual tax rates or penalties on them, tie the money to [...] a Chinese-style social credit system or cut them off from all financial flows altogether.”
A video from the World Economic Forum (WEF) from 2016 shows where the introduction of digital central bank currencies – including the cutting off of all financial flows – could lead. This appeared under the name “8 predictions for the world in 2030”. “You will own nothing and be happy” is one sentence from the video. It is based on an essay by Danish politician Ida Auken. The video was deleted from the WEF’s website because it provoked too much protest. However, it can be viewed on the WEF’s Facebook page.
On November 10, 2016, the WEF defined how the sentence “You will own nothing and be happy” should be understood in an article in Forbes magazine. Quote: “Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say 'our city'. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes. It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one, all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much.” Dispossession is propagated as something good. Listen to Kla-TV founder Ivo Sasek in the Kla.TV program from 18 June 2021: [] „The WEF is presenting itself to the outside world with various videos – and you can’t do it more audaciously – they present the overthrow of the old world order as acceptable to the world’s population, or at least it is the aim. After harsh criticism they quickly took some of the videos down because they quite openly glorified the impoverishment of the peoples – imagine that! – they presented our total expropriation as an inspiring event, our deprivation of rights as something desirable, somehow modern and stylish, as a flower bouquet full of supposedly cheerful innovations..“
Ivo Sasek has a pragmatic solution on the table, as he explained on March 16, 2023:] “Let us, as the entire world population, say loud and clear “Yes” to the Great Reset of Klaus Schwab and his masterminds: But as a world democracy we make the decision in advance that we first test this Great Reset for at least 20 years on all its inventors and propagandists. This means on Klaus Schwab and all his WEF colleagues.”
More WEF Actors, to realize its Goals and Agenda
In addition to the global players and major global corporations already mentioned, two other key players must also be mentioned. It is important to be fundamentally aware that these and other players do not act independently, but were built up by the same global players.
From 1978-1997, China was effectively ruled by Deng Xiaoping. When he initiated the move away from the centrally planned economy and towards capitalism in December 1978, Klaus Schwab reacted promptly. Schwab immediately invited Deng Xiaoping to the next Davos Symposium in 1979. Ernst Wolff writes in his book: [Book, Ernst Wolff, "World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 96] “2009 was the 30th year in which a Chinese delegation attended the Davos meeting. In the meantime, almost all of China’s heads of state and party leaders had paid their respects to the WEF. The WEF office in Beijing worked closely with the Chinese National Development and Research Commission, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a number of major Chinese corporations.”
[Book, Ernst Wolff, "World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 139] “At the virtual meeting in January 2021, which took place under the motto 'Great Reset' [...] Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a video message.” [Book, Ernst Wolff, “World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 139] „If you look at the list of new candidates who joined the ranks of the Young Global Leaders between 2020 and 2022, you will notice that China provided the largest contingent after the USA and that an above-average number of candidates came from the financial sector. This is no coincidence, as the WEF wants both to play a decisive role in the Great Reset in the near future.”
[Book, Ernst Wolff, "World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite“, 2022, p. 143-145] The fact that China has played a decisive role for the WEF for decades [...] is due to the fact that, despite the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, China has retained the centralized structures from the Maoist era. As a result, the Chinese government is much more authoritarian than its counterparts acting under parliamentary conditions. This is particularly evident in the corona crisis, during which the regime in Beijing took an iron severity and imposed the longest and strictest lockdowns in the world. But this is also evident in relation to another project that is currently being prepared in the background worldwide and supported by the WEF – the introduction of digital central bank currencies, the centerpiece of the Great Reset."
In the Kla.TV program – China, this system of government, a threat to all of us! – the role of China was summarized as follows: [] „With its social credit system, China is the pioneer and model for the Great Reset envisioned by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF). This system is a mass surveillance system using artificial intelligence, perfecting the system of coercion established by Mao. The behavior and trustworthiness of each individual, but also of companies and organizations, is constantly monitored and evaluated. By rewarding good behavior in the interests of the rulers and punishing any wrongdoing, it forces each individual to function 100% in the interests of the rulers. In the meantime, Europe’s first social credit system has already been introduced in Bologna (Italy), and the EU Commission is also preparing to introduce this control and education system.
As shown in the Kla.TV program “China – this system of government – a threat to all of us!”, China was financed and built up by the secret society Skull & Bones, Lord Rothschild and later, the Rockefeller Foundation. Skull & Bones was originally a student fraternity at Yale University and forms the inner circle of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). At the beginning of the 20th century, it founded a series of schools and hospitals in China known as “Yale-in-China”. According to research by the Swiss Express newspaper (issue 50 of October 2022), it was “Yale-in-China” that paved the way to power for the Marxists and the Chinese dictator Mao Tse-tung (1893-1976). As early as 1986, the British historian Antony C. Sutton wrote: “By the year 2000, Communist China will be a 'superpower' which was built up with American technology and expertise.”
The renowned scientist Sutton also shows how Russia was infiltrated by the American Red Cross at the beginning of the 19th century. This was said to have also been captured by the forces of high finance. Thus, the October Revolution of 1917 – which ended the Tsardom and ushered in communism – was carefully orchestrated by the financial elite, particularly the Rothschilds, and supported with enormous financial resources. Sutton shows how the banking circles around the US central bank built up almost the entire heavy industry of the USSR.
In 1986, under Mikhail Gorbachev who had come to power the previous year, the Soviet Union took part in a WEF meeting in Davos for the first time. At that time, it was still known as the “European Management Forum” until 1987.
Since the 1990s, Klaus Schwab has enjoyed a long-standing friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to Politico magazine, Putin and his predecessor in the presidency, Dmitry Medvedev, gave five speeches at the WEF between 2007 and 2021. Schwab said the WEF has built up an excellent relationship with the Russian Federation, both with the business world and with the government. According to an insider, Russian companies have paid the WEF around 600,000 CHF a year as “strategic partners” and in return have been able to help shape the program.
In 2018, the WEF founded a “Center for Cyber Security” together with the Russian IT security company BI.ZONE. BI.ZONE is a subsidiary of Russia’s largest financial institution, Sberbank. Under its leadership, the annual “Cyber Polygon” online exercise was held to train cyber attacks and how to defend against them.
In the wake of the war in Ukraine, because of sanctions, Russians were not invited to the WEF in May 2022. For the first time since the Gorbachev era, there was no Russian participation at the WEF. In addition, the two Russian banks Sberbank and VTB and the Russian energy company Gazprom were removed from the list of “strategic partners”. Nevertheless, it must be noted that the same global agenda is being implemented in Russia as the WEF and globalist elites are promoting:
●Russia has always been at the forefront of the fight against the alleged COVID pandemic and has called on the population to be vaccinated in the same way as other countries.
● Russia is playing a leading role in the introduction of central bank digital currency, CBDC for short. In 2024, the digital ruble is to be introduced throughout the country. CBDC can be seen as a building block for total control and surveillance.
Together with China, Russia is the major supporter of establishing a new global financial and monetary system under the control of the IMF. Russia takes a leading role as a surveillance state. Moscow and St. Petersburg are among the ten most heavily monitored cities outside China. In 2017 and 2018, the Moscow authorities introduced a system of street cameras supported by facial recognition software. During the coronavirus crisis in 2020, the authorities were able to track down and punish people who left their homes in violation of the lockdown rules.
Russia is playing a leading role in the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda and the Great Reset. As published on the website of the “Executive Office of the Russian President”, Russia is driving forward the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda. This emerges from a joint declaration with the People’s Republic of China on global sustainable development. It was issued on February 4, 2022 during the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Beijing. On the same day, he took part in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics. The joint declaration mentions by name: “poverty reduction, food security, vaccines and disease control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy and infrastructure connectivity.”
Just as China or the aforementioned global players or initiatives of the WEF are proving to be instruments in the establishment of a centralized world dictatorship, it must be observed whether this also applies to Russia.
7. The WEF brought to the point
The following most important points are to be listed and summarized:
● The WEF is not simply a Swiss foundation that was set up and established by an independent Klaus Schwab.
● During Schwab’s time at Harvard Business School in the US in 1966/1967, he came under the influence of his professor Henry Kissinger.
● The “European Management Symposium” – the forerunner of the WEF – was born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program led by Henry Kissinger and set up in Switzerland with the support of John Kenneth Galbraith and Herman Kahn. All three are members of the think tank Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
● All persons associated with the founding or the top management structure of the WEF are either members of the Bilderberg Group or the Council on Foreign Relation (CFR) or the Trilateral Commission, or are members of these hubs at the same time.
● All of these hubs are run by the same backers and their successors, be it David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Laurence Douglas “Larry” Fink or David Rubenstein and several other wealthy global players.
● When it was founded in 1971, the WEF was given the task of implementing the agenda of a New World Order (NWO) worldwide with the help of global conglomerates. The entire elite of global conglomerates is now united here.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has been installed as one of the most crucial leverage points in world politics by the aforementioned world leaders. The WEF launched various initiatives that serve as tools to advance globalization. This prepares the ground for a future centralized world dictatorship.
Some of the most important of these initiatives are the Club of Rome in connection with the climate dictatorship, the vaccination alliance GAVI in connection with the vaccination dictatorship, the pandemic exercise “EVENT 201” from October 2019 – i.e. the corona dictatorship, the Great Reset, transhumanism, and so on. But actors such as China and Russia also serve as instruments of the WEF agenda and are driving it forward at the forefront.
The “Great Reset” proclaimed by the WEF’s founder aims to introduce all of the world’s citizens to a new, digital age controlled by artificial intelligence. “Great Reset” means something like: A world in which no one owns anything anymore, in which everyone is completely monitored and also completely dependent and therefore controllable.
The program of transhumanism – the merging of human bodies with the digital sphere – opens the door to manipulation, control and management of humanity. It is paving the way for a centralized world dictatorship!
So much for the most important points. Considering that the threads of the WEF run to the same networked control centers and masterminds, and considering that the objectives of the WEF initiatives outlined here unmistakably benefit a global agenda, one can very well speak of an actual world conspiracy.
This is not a global conspiracy of a few major players such as the US government, Russia or China, but of a few global masterminds. What they have in common is that they are deeply involved in the secret society of Freemasonry. One of the most powerful and world-leading original lodges, “THREE EYES”, was founded by David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzeziński. It has been revealed by namely the Italian high-grade Freemason Gioele Magaldi that the former Chinese party leader Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) was initiated into Freemasonry and became a member of the original lodge “THREE EYES”. As a result, according to Gioele Magaldi, all party leaders since 1980 – including the current President of China, Xi Jinping – have been members of the original lodges in which the High Degree Freemasons are organized.
It is also known that the most important Russian players were or still are members of super lodges. For example, Joseph Stalin (1878-1953), Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), Mikhail Gorbachev (1931-2022), Boris Yeltsin (1931-2007) and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
This was revealed in the Kla.TV program “World Danger: Highest Degree Freemasonry.” [ ] Finally, see the conclusion from this program. There seems to be only one path for getting this century-old world-conspiracy under control in time: The deceived and plundered world-community has to note down all the names of all of their plunderers in order that these can be judged and disempowered in a world-court – enacted by the people – like the Nuremberg trial revisited. Before these world conspirators even soon rob the people’s of their last freedoms and belongings, the peoples have to convict these stealthy perpetrators of their robbery. The goal behind this that all of their stolen goods and land – most of the worlds land already belongs to them – as well as all their capital can be confiscated.”
Like the dawn of a new day will the hidden plans and masterminds behind the WEF become visible. Be a part of this dawn! Help spread these revelations worldwide and stop the WEF and its masterminds!
from dd./mw.
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (WEF) 15 –19 January 2024 (Website WEF)
Wikipedia-Entry on World Economic Forum
Globalization and Global Governance (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung)
Wikipedia Entry „Global Governance“
Book, Ernst Wolff, “World Economic Forum – The Global Shadow Elite” – 1 December 2022
Unlimited Hangout, US platform for uncensored and independent investigative journalism: The story behind the men who recruited Klaus Schwab and helped create the WEF
New York Times from 28 January 1997: Political and corporate elite soak up big ideas at Davos
John Kenneth Galbraith was member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Herman Kahn was member of CFR
First institutional brochure 1975 of European Management Forum
The most important annual meeting of decision-makers of world economy
WEF-chief Klaus Schwab gains annual salary of ca. one million Swiss francs
That’s how much a WEF-ticket costs
The annual minimum fee starts at around 600,000 Swiss francs
Website WEF – Governance structure
Website Bilderberg – Steering-Committee
Wikipedia-Entry Ajay Banga
Wikipedia-Entry Marc Benioff
Wikipedia-Entry Thomas Buberl
Wikipedia-Entry Laurence D. Fink
Wikipedia-Entry Orit Gadiesh
Wikipedia-Entry Kristalina Georgieva
Website Roche – André Hoffmann
Wikipedia-Entry Joe Kaeser
Wikipedia-Entry Christine Lagarde
Wikipedia-Entry David M. Rubenstein
Bilderberg-Meeting Participant List 1964 (Aurelio Peccei)
Bilderberg-Meeting Participant List 1968 (Aurelio Peccei)
Al Gores Climate Film: Lies within the „Inconvenient truth“
Wikipedia-Entry GAVI, the vaccination alliance,_die_Impfallianz#cite_note-7
Website WEF – The Forum of Young Global Leaders
Website WEF – Life in the year 2030: Humankind and the machine
What is the fourth industrial revolution? By Prof. Klaus Schwab
Wikipedia-Entry – Agenda 2030
Partnership between WEF and UN on 13 June 2019
Website Johns Hopkins University – Event 201
No private sphere and no property: The world in the year 2030 according to the WEF’s wish
Facebook-page World Economic Forum (WEF) – 8 prognoses fort he world in the year 2030
Wikipedia English – You'll own nothing and be happy (Du wirst nichts besitzen und glücklich sein)
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