Episode 170, "Tajana the Truth Seeker Returns!"

1 year ago

-Andrew For America welcomes back to the show investigative researcher, social media commentator, and aspiring author, Tajana the Truth Seeker! They talk about Tajana's hatred of Justin Trudeau, aka "Captain Tampon," Trudeau's hypocritical accusations towards Tajana, how Canadian expats are leaving Canada in droves, Tajana got one of her clips on Alex Jones, the creation of Artemis News Media, Anarchopulco, how England controls Israel and pulls the strings of the WHO/WEF, the creation of the United Nations and how it was signed into being in Quebec, England owns the MRNA virus patent, AI and the creation of the hive mind, Covid and bio labs, how idol worship helps push propaganda and elitist agendas, and how ego is the weakness of the elite. Tajana brings a hopeful message, despite how bad things seem to be getting. A refreshing change of pace from the previous few episodes! Enjoy!

Check out Tajana's stuff here: linktr.ee/truthseeker01011

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