Adrenochrome - Smoke & Mirrors

1 year ago

ADRENOCHROME - CBS ran a story about adrenochrome in 2009 then in later years claimed it was all a conspiracy theory.

Never forget why we started.
It always was, and still is about the children

Crimes Against Our Children

Military is the only way
No Deals !!!

We all have a responsibility to protect our global children

This is what the cabal and their mainstream media and indeed Hollywood have been doing for decades, by creating a cover story to legitimise the Adrenochrome Harvesting "industry" and those who know the truth get branded a "conspiracy theorist". This is the same tactic that Hollywood has used for "science-fiction" movies, it's in plain sight and those that say it get branded in the same light..."oh you watch too many sci-fi movies"'re a "conspiracy theorist". I wish Rumble would allow the posting of documents as I have a great page in my blog about CYM Caring Corp.... and their Adrenochrome Harvesting bases ran by the US Army Special Medical Division (Black Hats no doubt). There was even shipping details and receiving "customers" one being a company in the Liverpool, UK called Medimmune UK Ltd. That company now trades under the name the saying goes "you can't make this sh1t up.. I will post my blog below, but you'll have to dig through the links

The CYM Caring Corp.

C.S.Yorington CEO and Founder of The CYM Caring Corp

In the above link are 9 downloadable files, select a check box then click on the filename and then click on the green download button. The contents contained in this link, obtained from a German Q Patriot are truly horrific and shows the insane depths of the problem. The US Army Special Medical Division are tied with Adrenochrome Harvesting and presumably supplying Adrenochrome to CYM Caring Corp from various Adrenochrome Harvesting Sites (AHS) at military bases across the United States. CYM Caring Corp then distribute the Adrenochrome worldwide via its global hubs, one European hub is located in Berlin. One German freight company Kühne+Nagel based in München is being used to transport the Adrenochrome.

The documents describe the Adrenochrome Harvesting Sites that according to the video description (see below) are using closed US Army bases, operating above surface or more than likely below ground level. The documents show various things such as details of wardens and their performance records, details of “inmates”, in other words captive children, their personal details, how much Adrenochrome they produce daily and it’s quality and methods of torture used to extract the Adrenochrome. Many of the children, boys and girls are caught on “Hunting Days” and a schedule showing the days and locations is also there to be seen, this sends a shiver down my spine that there are hunters searching for their next prey in various neighbourhoods on certain days and it’s really down to luck if it’s your child that gets caught or not. The documents go on to describe that the children are disposed of if their Adrenochrome quality falls below a certain threshold and there’s even evidence of at least 9 burial sites with satellite imagery and a note requesting on burial site to be hidden more effectively. The ages of the children vary but they appear to range from 6-12 years old, however evidence within the documents show that some 6 year olds have been held captive for two years so the children are at least from four years old which is an age that may make them vulnerable for snatching.

Hollywood is also part of the deep state, the illuminati and the cabal are real and it’s satanic and this is all captured using symbology in many Hollywood movies. You thought The Hunger Games was make believe? Fuck no, the illuminati want you to sit on your sofa, much popcorn and enjoy the movie and they (illuminati) get a kick from seeing you buy the DVD or buy a cinema ticket. There’s one sequel to The Hunger Games called Mockingjay....come on! Operation Mockingbird launched in 1973 involved the CIA’s MK Ultra programming development from the late 1950’s, this is what your TV is for...not to entertain but to brainwash you and to make YOU feel like YOU are choosing tonight’s movie, The Hunger Games, or perhaps Contagion? We conspiracy theorists have lost friends, suffered in our careers because of our efforts as sheep mock us but it's all surfacing now but the sheep are so brainwashed they still haven’t realised Biden has never stepped one foot into the White House, this is why he was locked out on his fake Inauguration Day.

I also strongly believe Facebook and Instagram have been used to track children, the illuminati know their names, their likes/dislikes, what they look like, their addresses, so on the “hunting” days then can have the kidnappers watch them leave their homes, kids made to order. I wouldn’t be surprised if these sick bastards in the illuminati choose their victims using such platforms and pay a premium, just like choosing your own lobster in a posh restaurant.

This is probably just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, one company and just a few of its UK customers. One has to imagine to what extent this goes too, millions of executions of those complicit has to take place and swiftly.

This company looks like its masquerading behind a wellness program for children, this needs looking into

Research Results

Pt.1 Video description
This Video (Part 2) Shares A Large Data-dump, Documents Leaked on A Usb-stick, That Exposes an International Network in The Production and Sale of Adrenochrome. This Network Extends into the US, Germany, The UK And China, As These Documents Point Out.


CYM Caring Corp. UK Customers:
Absynth Biologics BioHub - Macclesfield
Bioeden Group Ltd - Warrington
BiVictriX Therapeutics - Macclesfield
Bridge Biotec Limited - Macclesfield
BTG Management Services Ltd (formerly Protherics plc) - Runcorn
Eli Lilly - Lilly Pharmaceutical and Manufacturing - Liverpool
Factor Therapeutics Europe Ltd (formerly Tissue Therapies Europe Ltd) - Warrington
Fast Biopharma BioHub - Macclesfield
Incanthera Limited - Manchester
Intellihep Ltd - Liverpool
Intercytex - Manchester
Medimmune UK Ltd - Liverpool*
Oxyrane - Manchester
Pepsyn Ltd - University of Liverpool, Liverpool
Pharmnovo UK Ltd - West Kirkby, Wirral
Videregen Ltd - Liverpool

*Important BOMBSHELL
The plot thickens, Medimmune UK Ltd I now trading a AstraZeneca! This proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the covid jabs are connected with the evil.

NCSWIC 💞🌹🕊🌍💫

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