Facts about Australia #factsnews #shorts

1 year ago

Some fascinating facts about Australia: Australia has no official language, but collectively Aussies speak over 400 languages with 73% of them using English. The 23rd Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke set the world record for chugging 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. Another Aussie Prime Minister Harold Holt went missing while swimming, so they named a swimming pool after him. Australia has one of the largest camel populations in the world. There are now over one million feral camels in Australia and that population may double in size every nine years, so they often export their camels and send them to the Middle East. It's quite normal for Australians to see people walking barefoot in public places. Vegetarianism, which is essentially a vegetarian diet that excludes all meat but kangaroo meat, is common in Australia. The most popular type of pizza is the Hawaiian with pineapples, which originated in Canada, accounting for 15% of their pizza sales. The word Australia comes from the Latin word australis, which means southern land. However, three centuries ago Antarctica used to be called Australia until modern-day Australia pretty much stole the name in 1824.

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