Rock and Sand - testing the foundation of a popular doctrine “the pre-tribulation rapture Part 1 2024-01-14

1 year ago

In the 70s (before I was a Christian), many started talking about "The Rapture" and books like the Late Great Planet Earth. Over time, books on the Rapture kept multiplying, and in my introduction to Christianity, the Pre-Trib Rapture, was the hot topic. Till today, still more authors, books (even series for kids), movies on the Rapture appeared in the Fiction (and other), sections of Christian book stores, Bibles and the Internet.

We need to be as the Bereans, and search the Scriptures, to see if these things be true, if they are the Gospel, it’s a blessing, and we should embrace it. If it’s not true to the Gospel, it is deceiving multitudes, and Christians need to know how to expose it with the Light of Scripture. In this series “Rock and Sand” we will test the foundation and building, following: 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22 “Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.”

We all know sincere people one each side of this, do we know how to address it? We will look at the 7 Key principles that it is built on. In this study, we look at point [1.] The event is both Silent and Invisible, taking place virtually un-noticed Besides missing people, by the un-saved majority.

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