coffee is the new vodka, says rehab clinic

1 year ago

what was the topic damnit
in case you missed the last video...
there's gotta be a joke here somewhere
let's pretend you're in a good relationship that means sumin n you make love...
i guess if you're in a good Christian marriage you'd try to have as many kids as possible
the joke would only work if i were talkin bout fornicators
man this camera work is sumin else (very rarely am i sarcastic but here you go)
there was this guy walkin by n it was so awkward
i hate shooting videos when other people are around cos they suck damnit
i wish this world was just me, maybe it will be just like 28 days later
this narrative circulates every election season like clockwork
i ain't sayin it could be that magical time, but the book of revelations applies to quite a lot
this will get the preppers to buy even more crap
just a lil bit a witchcraft, that's the purpose of mass media
drink to that shit...
oh man if only that was liquor
stupid fucks shouldn't assume diddley squat
the man in my head conceded for once
every so often the bitch is actually right
don't worry i am not sick, i have a hole in my nose
we don't settle cos that shit is boring
there's virtue in loyalty
i love the fuck outta my job n most of the people i work w/ do as well
even the bullshit is worthy of appreciation
so much community n amusement that takes place every day
you get yer share of stupid ass people n assholes but whatever x3
everything has its' place, remember that n you won't stay pissed off as long
if women could learn how to focus on our emotional nature we could do quite a bit w/ it
sooooo many women (esp white women) on psych meds
they'll never understand why their emotions are so outta whack
popping pills vs. changing yer life around
you never developed a skill set so now you have a handler
schizos stay on meds that give em diabetes cos of how much weight they gain (they used to force schizos to take so much insulin that they were incapacitated for an extended period of time)
i'm the crazy one for refusing to take meds that make me live off the govt

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