#29 Multi Dimensional Array in JAVA | Skyhighes | Lecture 29

1 year ago

Multidimensional Arrays in Java: Powerful Data Structures
Multidimensional arrays, as the name suggests, are arrays of arrays in Java. They allow you to store and manage data in a tabular format, like rows and columns, making them incredibly powerful for various applications.

Imagine a spreadsheet: each cell represents an element in a multidimensional array, providing organized access and manipulation of complex data sets.

Benefits of Using Multidimensional Arrays:

Efficiently store related data: Organize data with natural relationships, like student grades organized by subject and exam (2D) or 3D coordinates in space (3D).
Simplify data access and manipulation: Access specific elements using coordinates instead of multiple individual variables, enabling convenient operations on data subsets.
Enhanced code clarity and readability: Structure your code to reflect the inherent relationships within the data, making it easier to understand and maintain.
Improved performance: Utilize efficient memory allocation and contiguous data storage compared to separate variables, potentially boosting program execution speed.
Creating Multidimensional Arrays:

Declaring and Instantiating:
Similar to single-dimensional arrays, specify the data type and size of each dimension using nested brackets and allocate memory with new:

int[][] matrix = new int[3][2]; // Creates a 3x2 matrix of integers

String[][] names = new String[5][3]; // Creates a 5x3 array of strings
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Initializing with Values:
Provide values for each element during creation:

int[][] data = {{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8, 9}}; // Creates a 3x4 matrix with pre-defined values

String[][] months = {{"Jan", "Feb", "Mar"}, {"Apr", "May", "Jun"}, {"Jul", "Aug", "Sep"}}; // Creates a 3x3 array with months
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Using Array Literal (Java 10+):
int[][] temperatures = [[25, 28, 30], [18, 22, 24], [32, 35, 37]]; // Creates a 3x3 matrix with temperatures

String[][] colors = [["Red", "Green", "Blue"], ["Yellow", "Orange", "Purple"], ["Pink", "Black", "White"]]; // Creates a 3x3 array with colors
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Accessing and Manipulating Elements:

Use nested indexes to access specific elements based on their row and column position (starting from 0):

int element = matrix[1][0]; // Accesses element at row 1, column 0 (value 3)

names[2][1] = "John"; // Changes the element at row 2, column 1 to "John"

for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
System.out.print(data[i][j] + " "); // Prints each element of the matrix
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Multidimensional arrays offer powerful data organization and manipulation capabilities.
Choose the appropriate method of creation and access based on your specific needs.
Utilize nested loops for iterating through and operating on all elements effectively.
Feel free to ask further questions if you need more information or specific examples!

Visualizing Multidimensional Arrays:

Imagine a checkerboard: each square represents an element in a 2D array. Similarly, a Rubik's cube can be visualized as a 3D array, where each colored cubelet corresponds to an element.

By understanding these visual representations, you can better grasp the concept of multidimensional arrays and their practical applications.

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