Flat Earthers Should Be Approached with Extreme Caution. AI Video by Brian Ruhe

8 months ago

You can read all the vulgar comments on my previous four anti-flat earth videos released this week. Now flat earthers are becoming violent and dangerous. Garden_Nationalist is one of those dangerous flat earthers who insulted me in previous videos. Garden Nationalist even made this video to criticize me: The Earth is a Flat Plane, and that Canadian Brian Ruhe makes me sick to my stomach: https://www.bitchute.com/video/31fGL3apQ66G/

Even my Happy cat was so upset with rude flat earthers, you can hear him scratching in his litter box at the beginning of this video. Most flat earthers are normal people but they are less competent at critical thinking.

The words in this video are taken from my blog: https://www.brianruhe.ca/flat-earthers-should-be-approached-with-extreme-caution/
Here, I refer to two previous videos I released:

LOL...!! Flat Earthers Privately Confess the World is Round after Gyroscope Proof. LOL...!!!

Planet Earth is Spherical in Shape, with Brian Ruhe

Also, check out: Debunking Flat Earth is 45 Seconds!: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1l9izM0J0bs
Proof the Earth ISN'T Flat! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IgVVN8TlTFk
Why Do People Believe The Earth Is Flat? #Shorts https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QsvwswQl6Vo
Talk Nerdy to Me: Ripping "Flat Earthers" Apart in Under 5 Minutes
Why Flat Earthers Can't Be Argued With https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CGuy_YLoLa8

I thank the comment from "brother" below for these words: There is an insidious conspiracy at work throughout the entire Internet which seeks to destroy Truth Movements everywhere. One of its organs of mischief is known as the Flat Earth Society (FES) and its explicit purpose is to take down every single truth-oriented website, blog and/or organization which permits an open comment section at the bottom of their posts and articles.

Here’s how they work:
Agents of the FES often begin by posting rather benign yet factual comments about NASA, which everyone now knows is a rogue agency which can rarely be trusted to tell the truth about particular scientific endeavors and galactic missions. That’s a no-brainer that everyone agrees with—NASA holds onto most of the truth and parcels out only the absolute minimum to the taxpayers who fund their space missions and other assorted projects.

The Flat Earthers then take advantage of this universal hatred of NASA for their spewing so much deception over so many years, and they use it to subtly garner support for their nonsensical Flat Earth Theory (FET). When the time is right, the Flat Earthers will then start introducing utterly absurd notions about the Solar System and patently false concepts about the Earth’s relationship to the Sun.

They justify their preposterous sophistry and wacky ideas by routinely outing NASA as a serially prevaricating government agency, which they are — and then using their well-known deception as a justification to overturn the entire paradigm of modern astrophysics. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. There is no astronomical scientific truth that the Flat Earthers have left unassailed. You name it — gravity, a spherical Earth and other planetary orbs, rotational movement of the planets. — they throw it all out and label it as “NASA lies”.

Once they do that in a very public Internet forum or chat room, website or blog comment section, they begin to stir up a LOT of trouble. They pre-position sock-puppets in the same forums, blogs, etc., who will, with apparent spontaneity, support their silly and stupid comments about the Flat Earth Theory (FET). The longer the comment thread, the more opportunity to draw in the unsuspecting into their outlandish web of deceit and deception.

They do this by presenting some entirely new and quite valid hypotheses which do introduce such concepts that are related to the Electric Universe; or that propose that the Solar System is also moving though space in a manner which defies the conventional scientific wisdom.

By so aggressively assaulting the conventional wisdom which is accepted by the vast majority of people on the planet, they then tar the reputation of the truth movement groups whose websites they have deliberately polluted with their obvious foolishness.

For those who are uninitiated in this area of inquiry, the following videos will bring you up to speed (but brother did not give the links).

FLAT EARTH ‘THEORY’ Demonstrates The Alarming Gullibility Of People Everywhere

Flat Earthers SYSTEMatically Used To Disrupt And Undermine Truth Movements Everywhere

The Flat Earthers Are Being Sent Into Every Real Truth Movement To Disrupt And Destroy Them

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