Vaccine Injury

1 year ago

I’m vaccine injured from the 2 Pfizer shots I was forced to take for work. My doctor is still unwilling to admit it. I will never get another vaccine ever again.
My physical mobility was perfect now 1 year & 4 months later I am diagnosed with having Polymyalgia rheumatica plus rheumatoid arthritis.

I got my 1st shot 12/17/21,
2nd shot 02/08/22.

sciatica nerve issues 7 months after shot
1 year & 4 months after shot Polymaysalgia rheumatica plus rheumatoid arthritis but just got diagnosed November 2,2023

I know this is from the 2 shots of Pfizer. I have been research since 2019 on Covid & the vaccine or rather gene therapy. I’ve read tons of doctors & scientists case studies on injuries post covid vaccine. There are many case studies on Inflammation, RA & PMR post covid vaccine.

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