Isaac Kappy - Dead Mans Switch - Qsentme Calls With Vegan Mikey

1 year ago

According to the phone call... Vegan Mikey and QSentMe both conspired to obtain monies and information from their audience in exchange for a 'guaranteed' reveal of Isaac Kappy's so-called "Dea Mans Swtich" (DMS) only to have them battle over how much and where the money was and was going.

this recording was produced on May 30 2019... a little over two weeks since Isaac Kappy was found dead.

Direct Quotes:

"if we don't do it smart
if we don't PLAN...
we could really mess it up"

"...we will strategize together"

"...we can set up
this group quick"

"...setting up a trusted group..."

"information dump...
names, addresses,
social security numbers...
public records, police calls..."

"I am ready to move some
funds your way..."

"I'm gonna start sending you funding"

"every police call that
that person ever made...
what the content of it was"

"what is your motivation of
getting it out within 24 hours?"

"consider myself in
witness protection man"

"dude, I'm the only person in the
world to have all those...
more information than we're
legally allowed to have"

"if you don't want to give me
anything... I'm stepping
out of it"

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions expressed in this video are those of the authors and dont necessarily reflect the official policy and/or opinion of sIXXIsDesigns

Note: the source video no longer exists and is for documentation purposes only

Please StopThePedos @survivor12345 aka Robert_Qsentme aka Robert the Deplorable

defunct source link:

Undeniable Evidence Isaac Kappy Was NOT Alone (as seen in HBO/VICE Docuseries QAnon.The.Search.for.Q.S01E02)

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