Hindu Midgit Billionaire Starts Another War...!

1 year ago

Just what The UK, Middle East, World needs is another war where a BANKER Billionaire Prime Minister late at night before he goes to bed tells his military to start bombing The Poorest People On The Planet....
The World is slowly becoming A Battlefield....
I TELL PEOPLE time and time again to get and read the book Battlefield Earth by L Ron Hubbard.... Forget he started Scientology a CIA mind controlled 'Church' where the people are lab rats for mind control - JUST GET THE BOOK and keep it and as you read it a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time you will see things you missed other times reading it and you realise that There is a Great Evil within The Banking System that has organised the world so that Wars Feed Their Profits and Huge Bonus's.... There is no/little profit in Peace....
LINK To Book
Battlefield Earth L Ron Hubbard -

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