Self-realization while being in actual mind control and social engineering program

8 months ago

FYI: the censorship and shadowbanning and view counter manipulation, is completely ridiculous, one step away from being excluded I suspect from all social media, please like or dislike and share my videos while you still can, which will be much appreciated thank you.

In this video we take an even deeper dive, and analyse how my private affairs and me coming out, as having somewhat unorthodox sexual preferences and kinks, is directly affecting the state arbiters and intelligence agencies propaganda narratives and pretexts, for the global social engineering program. Since my last video called psychological warfare and the target individual program, I have been heavily retaliated against, mostly in the form of the intelligence agencies and their many proxies, taking all kinds of absurd liberties, and spinning the facts, that I’m coming out with, in relation to my sexual preferences, in a desperate attempt to salvage their propaganda narratives and PSYOPS, in this video, I respond to these outrageously hypocritical and backward thinking narratives, that they are spinning in response to my actions, or should I say the psychological operations that they are broadcasting all over the world in response to my videos, which they simultaneously sensor and shadowban like you couldn’t believe on all social media!

I will also link all the other videos that I have made on this topic previously, so that you can see how my self-realisation has evolved over time, and how I have been forthcoming to the best of my ability, even with touchy subjects like this one.
Something that cannot be said, in regard to the states and intelligence agencies who are always lying and fabricating and willing to say and do anything, to make people believe there narratives by way of psychological coercion and manipulation a.k.a. Psyops

1: Psychological warfare and the target individual program is from the 5th of January 2024

2: My Achilles heel 4th December 2022

3: The truth even when it hurts 18th June 2022


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