1/11/2024 - Woodland Oaks HOA HATE GROUP - Pedram Ezadpana - Starts Barking at me while spying on my social accounts - trying to get me to go after him

1 year ago

This has been going on for 26 years since I moved into the Woodland Oaks Complex.

I keep saying MY PLACE, but I mean OUR PLACE. But you can see the CONTEXT

"The you don't live in your place"

One of 1000's

Finding out 22 years ago sitting in my office with Mike Huntley's DEATH THREATS

"World of Paranoia", Dropping Papers on my desk how to KILL people in South Korea with Mental Illness Tactics, while noticing a PLANET of ENRAGED SICKOS hunting me since 5 years old. And not ONE person thinking it is wrong.

These MURDER OPERATIONS, all in the name of HEALTH!

Jason Perelman was told to start on me with these Provoking Tactics when he was 7 years old by my father to EXECUTE ME, at all costs with LAPD

It has been non stop from stranger to stranger for 47 years daily as I find out at 29.

Psychotic Murders Sean Dinse of his TOPANGA DIVISION HATE army and Neighborhood Watch/STALKING groups, and are CONNECTED worldwide, and for 47 years now are RUNNING AROUND creating CHAOS and DESTRUCTION to achieve one OBSESSED GOAL, and one alone!

As Lead Officer Charles Sean Dinse States on his Facebook account, and has been FEDERALLY SUED for trying to FORCE Rex Schillenburger into a Mental Facility for Sleeping in his Van and not owning a Huge Mansion with Tennis Courts and Pools.

I am in the same boat, except I am a home owner, and that is still not good enough for Charles Sean Dinse while he babbles over and over and over and over

"How do you get your money", and "Take Care" with his WORLDWIDE Idea of Reference Armies.

What you are seeing here, is PSYCHOTIC MURDERER Dinse Supporters with my HOA

"How do we FORCE people into mental Facilities"
They think they are doing it for me me Somehow!

But you might want to ask the question.
When they get what they want with their PLANETARY Armies hunting me Minute by Minute across a 47 year time period.

Especially the beatiful 2013 Whipple Blown Ls7 collectors addition Corvette?

Where someone is on video last week trying to break into it?
So that I can be HEALTHY in a CAGE, and not roam the earth since 5 years old for no reason.

So these are my neighbors who, for 26 years have been calling the POLICE, and working with my HOA, I believe mostly Armenian while working on me minute by minute with WORLDWIDE groups, upwards of 1 billion attacks per day.

Exponentially growing since 5 years old.
So that according to them, Kevin can be HEALTHY and have a thriving life. Instead of letting me go out and live my life.

One of the many tactics in the 1000's is
"Kevin doesn't live here"

Yet I have Keys, a Deed, lived in this shit hole, here for 26 years. That Sean Dinse has threatened my life, I'm not allowed to leave my hosue indirectly, with his Encino Buddy Officer Toro

"If you ever take a picture of a person I will exercise the law in my own way"
With Aubrey Fisher, Rodie Morales, Dr Ronald Barry Perelman. For the crime of getting into Studio Photography

I'm also told by Sean Dinse and his planetary army I'm not allowed to buy food from anyone WORLDWIDE or I will be brutally mobbed to death with their MENTAL ILLNESS tactics

And if I bleed on the ground from their minute by minute bludgeonings to the skull, I'm litering.

This is one of the many Rotating people telling me I don't live here, trying to get reactions on several methods. With mental illness provokings based on INFORMATION COLLECTION, and mimicking it back off my Social Accounts to try to get me to go after him in the LAPD 47 years SETUP ATTEMPTS and FRAME JOBS that have been minute by minute since i was 5 years old which has been done WORLDWIDE for 47 years to EXECUTE at all costs.

Govenment FLAG and KILL or ERADICATION operations.

When he says BUDDY, this tactics started with Charles Sean Dinse after I bought a Covette 4 years ago to do something POSITVE and every Autoshop noticed WORLDWIDE to HACK UP the car, and DESTROY IT.

Starting with an Oil Change them lying saying I need a new engine while loostening the oil sender unit cable. a John Elway Cheverelet in Denver Co. As it was Purchased in Pensylvania. The car has been to about 15 shops, insane amounts of money to try to fix it.

Each and very shop WHISTLING at me over and over calling me "Buddy"
with Idea of Reference, MENTAL ILLNESS tactics on a WORLDWIDE 47 year operation for 47 years

Conspiracy to commit Murder to have me KILLED or ERADICATED
Not for any actual reason other then Dr Ronald Barry Perelman's HATE and RAGE for his 5 year old.

However Charles Sean Dinse with his WORLDWIDE hate Armies States
"How to we FORCE people into MENTAL INSTUTIONS"

Showing his HATE CRIME motive with his WORLDWIDE armies and my HOA. For the crime of moving in, their MICRO MANAGING, HATE letters DEMANDING money for DRAMATIZED half truth lies.

Such as, a brighter lightbulb, means
Because you put an attachment on your light, we want money to punish you.

So a brighter lightbulb is modifying a light fixture?
This is all about PROVOKING into reactions with Charles Sean Dinse to FORCE into mental instutions and STEAL houses and CARS!

WHY does sean dinse care if I'm the PERFECTLY ROBOTICALLY HEALTHY or not with a Planet of CHILD RAPISTS helping for 47 years with

Dr Ronald Barry Perelman, Jason Perelman, Lorena Escobar, Elsie Sandoval, and MONEY OTHER Anonymous Strangers to EXECUTE ME at all costs pretending theya are TEASING ME.

Minute by minute with BILLIONS of attacks per day?

This Rotating from person to person neighbor to neighbor WORLDWIDE.
And their has not been one place since 5 years old in which they haven't tried to get rid of me or do this.

I am told I'm not allowed to ask any questions as to what is going on or I will be ERADICATED.

One of the paid off LAPD thugs, the dog attacker with the Police Trained K9 States

"You had better accept what is going on or it will get a lot worse for you"

I've never seen anything about these types of Child Rapist Jew Kill activities in LAW BOOKS, or the Consitution of the United States of America.

Nor are these FLAG and KILL operations about HEALTH! with the PSYCHOLOGY COMMUNITY.

Dr Ronald Barry Perelman's FEAR of his 5 year old
Once again, the ROTATING neighbors with the HOA Provoking based on Information Collection, Idea of References, Mimicks off my social accounts.

Ronald Barry Perelman and Elsie Sandoval's Threats I'm not allowed on the Internet. Or social Accounts.

And when he keeps yelling freak over and over it's from a social account post of me joking around with fake teeth showing I have a sense of humor.

Why is he, like the rest of the PLANET spying on my social accounts, not following them, and using the BRIAN LONGBOTHAM "SPY GAME" tactics to torture, kill, and eradicate with people from LAPD.

While Dinse Keeps Babbling "Where do you get your money" over and over in his HATE and OBSESSION issues against 5 year old or the IMPERFECT giving them an UNHEARD OF DEATH SENTENCE based on WORLDWIDE minute by minute Mental BLUDGEONINGS to BASH PEOPLES SKULLS IN,

Without psychically touching them.

And yes, I do live in my place OBVIOUSLY, and you can see how all their INDIRECT arguments are ABSURD.

To achieve their HATE and ERADICATION agendas

Who knows, Maybe us JEWS just need to DIE! with a money Reward to the KILLER.


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