PHB | Jan 13, 2024 | Preparing His bride

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New beginnings; Gods purposes via the Holy Spirit

This teaching invites believers to a journey of spiritual discovery and growth, emphasizing the new year as a pivotal time for such development. It underscores the importance of aligning one's life with God's intentional design, moving beyond the lure of temporal pleasures and feelings. The message highlights the transformative role of the Holy Spirit and the significance of faith, not just for material acquisition but for transcending natural limitations. It emphasizes the necessity of growth in spiritual knowledge and understanding, which enables believers to enter and thrive in the seasons God has planned for them. The teaching concludes with a call for self-reflection and soberness in one's spiritual journey, urging believers to fight for their restoration and to not miss out on God's timings and seasons.

Join us beloved for today's fellowship :
Preparing His Bride | Jan 13, 2024
The Watches | Afternoon Watch | Jan 13, 2024
PHB | Jan 13, 2024 | Preparing His bride

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