6 months ago

Published on Oct 23, 2016

"Former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova believes Project Veritas’ undercover investigative videos by James O’Keefe — featuring DNC contractors explaining their dirty practices to foment violence at Trump events — is a prima facie case of federal and state criminal activity.

DiGenova says prosecutors should investigate everyone in the video, including Illinois Democrat Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s husband, Bob Creamer, who suddenly retired last week.
In this exclusive 26-minute video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, diGenova explains why many former and current FBI officials believe James Comey, the director of the FBI, is a “dirty cop.”

When Comey refused to recommend prosecution of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for her misuse of classified government information in July after “a fake and sophomoric” investigation, he bred cynicism and tainted the premier law enforcement agency.

When Republican nominee Donald Trump responds to calls from citizens to “lock her up,” the former prosecutor believes President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice “created a double standard for justice – one for the Clintons and one for the little guy.”

DiGenova suggests that the Republican Congress pass a “resolution of no confidence” on the FBI director as soon as they return to Washington after the election to demonstrate the significance of Comey’s corrosive, political decision.

DiGenova first laughs when asked about the charges by Democrats that the Russians are influencing American elections. He says, “the notion that the Russians are influencing this election is ludicrous. [Julian] Assange is a vessel. What’s the big deal? Nobody thought Daniel Ellsberg [who stole classified documents in 1971] was such a great guy because he stole the Pentagon Papers and gave them to the New York Times.”

He adds, if America’s system is so porous and vulnerable, we should “man up and get a better system.”

DiGenova discusses five takeaways from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails released by Wikileaks.

In general, the emails show an ugly, deceitful picture of how America’s foreign policy was run and that the Clintons only care about themselves.

He says, “everything the Clintons touch, they corrupt. Instead of the ‘golden touch,’ they have the ‘lead touch.’ Whatever they touch turns to molten lead — disgusting, creaky, foul-smelling molten lead.”

He discusses how people looking for government assistance never had to pay a secretary of state’s foundation to get a meeting until Secretary Clinton’s tenure. Speaking fees to Bill Clinton from companies such as telecom company, Ericsson, resulted in positive policy decisions.

“You give, you get. You give, you get. And, if you don’t give, you don’t get,” diGenova says in this video. It was “the single most corrupt Department of State in the history of the country.”

DiGenova compared the prosecution of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell — a Republican — to Hillary Clinton who, he says, was went un-prosecuted, yet endangered American lives and operations. The lawyer suggests Hillary Clinton’s epithet on her tombstone might well be “She got away with it.”

He discusses how the emails uncovered media collusion, the commissioning of a good governance report by Chelsea Clinton, and the refusal to engage in any ethical discussion of contributions from the U.S. agents of foreign corporations or countries in order to “just take the money!”

He also mentions the abuse of the Haitians by the Clintons scrounging for charitable donations for favoritism in contracting there. DiGenova says, “people are dying in Haiti and the Clintons are dining out on the money from donors.”

DiGenova ends by asking, “Why shouldn’t the American people be worried about the legitimacy of an election when one of the highest law enforcement officials in the country, James Comey, the Director of the FBI, goes in public and lies about the reasons for what he did (in refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton). The biggest single contributor to cynicism about this election is James Comey.”

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