The Black Banners of The East | الرايات السود المشرقية

1 year ago

00:00 The banner of the Mahdi is black
02:22 False groups have used black banners
03:16 "Allegiance is to God" is written in it
04:54 Only the Qaim raised it

In the upcoming video, we will delve into the prophecy of the black banners that accompany the Mahdi. We will unveil how this prophecy aligns with the texts and narrations of Islam. Additionally, we will emphasize that no one has presented this specific banner since the time of Mohammed.

This serves as a significant testament to the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. Despite attempts by malevolent individuals and criminal groups to replicate similar banners to legitimize their dark agendas, only this banner stands as an authentic match to the Mahdi's, bearing the inscription: 'Allegiance is to Allah.’

Hadith #1: Abi Is-haq narrated that Noaf Al-Bukali said: “It is written on the banner of the Mahdi ‘Allegiance is to Allah’.”
– Al-Malahim wal Fitan, Ibn Tawoos, 1st ed., p.144, hadith 171 (Online book: p.141)
– Kitab Al-Fitan, Na’eem ibn Hamad Al-Marouzi, 1st ed., p.356, hadith 1026 (Online book: p.220)

Hadith #2: It was narrated from the Ahlulbayt (pbut): “Verily, we Ahlulbayt have a banner, whoever goes ahead of it has renegaded, and whoever is late to it has perished, and whoever follows it has followed [us], it is written on it: ‘Allegiance is to Allah!’”
– 250 Signs, Mohammad Ali Tabatabaei, 1st ed., p.19

Hadith #3: The Prince of the Believers (pbuh) said in a long hadith:
“We have the banner of truth, whoever takes shade in it is protected by it, and whoever races to it, wins, and whoever falls behind it, perishes, and whoever leaves it, falls, and whoever holds on to it, is saved.”
– Bihar Al-Anwar, Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi, 3rd ed., v.10, p.111, hadith 1006


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