The Miraculous Properties in the Flesh & Blood of Prophets | الخصائص الإعجازية في لحم ودم الأنبياء

1 year ago

In this intriguing episode, Taymour Elalfy joins Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him Is Peace) to delve into the concept of purity in religion, both in its physical and spiritual dimensions.

The discussion encompasses states of religious purity, ritual impurity, and their implications in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Exploring notions such as the ritual impurity associated with contact with certain animals and the restrictions placed on menstruating women, the conversation provides valuable insights into religious practices.

The episode further touches upon how non-believers are viewed in terms of ritual purity and its resonance in the story of Jesus and the Canaanite woman.

By establishing the existence of impurities, the conversation naturally leads to the consideration of purifying elements, drawing from the scriptures of Christianity and Islam. Examples include the use of saliva by prophets for healing and the sanctity attributed to their bodily emissions.

Additionally, this episode uncovers buried accounts from Gnostic Christian sources, deliberately omitted by church authorities. These texts reveal that some early Christians practiced a form of communion based on their secret gospels, portraying a Jesus vastly different from mainstream narratives. Buckle your seat belts for a wild ride through the uncharted territories of ancient Christian traditions! And find you the teaching that made the disciples themselves shake to their very core.

Join us for an enlightening exploration that sheds light on the intricate dynamics of purity and impurity in religious contexts.

0:00 Purities and Impurities in Religion
1:51 Impure Animals and Fluids
6:14 Evil Spirits and Death
7:18 Non-believers
11:00 Pure Subtances
12:00 Camel Urine
13:20 Urine of the Prophet Mohammed (sawa)
15:30 Wudu of the Prophet Mohammed (sawa)
16:24 Spit of the Prophet Mohammed (sawa)
19:25 Blood of the Prophet Mohammed (sawa)
25:21 Saliva of Jesus
26:52 Flesh and Blood of Jesus
31:26 The Occult
33:26 Pure nature of the Prophets

#gnosticism #islam #christianity #mohammad #Jesus #imammahdi #religion #purity #ritual #divine #communion #marymagdalene #prophet #livingwaters #allah

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