The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror

1 year ago

After assessing today's dwindling oil reserves and skyrocketing use of oil for fuels, plastics and chemicals, "The Oil Factor" questions the motives for the U.S. wars in the Middle-East and Central Asia where 3/4 of the world's oil and natural gas is located. Provides an excellent history of US involvement in the Middle East for the past 20 years, and goes over some important information not covered in "Oil, Smoke & Mirrors". The two films compliment each other well.

More than 6.5 billion people today are completely dependent on oil for food, energy, plastics, and chemicals. Population growth is on a collision course with the inevitable depletion of oil production. Bush's 'war on terror' was directed at the places where ¾ of the world's remaining oil and natural gas are located. The documentary analyzes the development of several global events starting at the beginning of the century (mainly after the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001) from the perspective of oil and oil regions. It brings an unconventional point of view to the reasons, aspects, and motives of this war and to the direction of contemporary American foreign policy.

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