3/26/2023 - Security Guard Jason Ryan Fishman Working with these WORLDWIDE Gang Stalking Groups and Security Companies and LAPD Threatening me - with ATTACKS at every Food locations WORLDWIDE

8 months ago

After the Mike Huntley 2001 Death Threats by Mike Huntley, Originally Jason Perelman's Friend who wanted me to come back from University of Colorado to Start Signet-e-Services with him.

"World of Paranoia", dropping papers of how to make people in South Korea Mentally ill and kill them. "I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "Have a good life now", "We are using the system against you" Lapd System, and many other statements as I was finding out about these WORLDWIDE murder operations to have me killed.

Realizing later on he was mad at me for telling my pool playing friend Daryl Oon about about my father putting a shock collar on his dog Rhoda.

The company was Dissolved as LAPD and Mike Huntly working with Dr Ronald Barry Perelman, was trying to PLANT a trashbag full of Police Confsicated Marijuana in my house, and I didn't let Rodie Morales get it in my house. As he was my Gym Manager at the Gym, Mike Huntley wanted me to sign up to with him.

As Rhodie Morales was working with LAPD and Dr Ronald Barry Perelman to HUNT and STALK me.

Taking me to strip clubs, number 4. One in each state to figure out how to ERADICATE my existence with EVERY GOVERNMENT RESOURCE known to man for Dr Ronald Barry Perelman's ANGER and RAGE for his 5 year old!

Around 2004, My father has His Officer Manager and THUG, who has been stalking me my entire life, keeping tabs on me no matter what state I was in Lorena Escobar hire me at his Medical Officer Golden State Sports Medical.

My father would IGNORE the minute by minute and WORLDWIDE Workplace mobbings, trying to make me look crazy, telling me people are just TEASING ME, ignoring the ATTACKS.

At one point, he asked me if I wanted to go out to lunch with He and Lorena Escobar as I couldn't understand what a PLANET of ATTACKS minute by minute are about or what the source is. How could anyone if they are left in the dark of a WORLDWIDE life long murder operation to have you killed.

Lorena Escobar would of course play the Triangle Relationship scam. While EVERY Restuarant or food outlet was told to provoke me MINUTE by MINUTE as I try to eat, or go to Supermarkets to buy food. Still goes on today minute by minute at every location WORLDWIDE as punishment for trying to eat food and stay breathing.

And almost every location gets on video. Other tactics at almost every location WORLDWIDE with these passive aggressive minute by minute attacks are giving me the wrong orders, cooking things wrong over and over, verbal harassments, and minute by minute provokings to try to get REACTIONS to lock me away.

These numbers since 5 years old have esculated to aobut 1 billion WORLDWIDE attacks per day and were WORLDWIDE in 1994 when Jason Perelman wanted me to see the Internet so badly to have me KILLED or ERADICATED.

Jason Perelman, Just like Jason Ryan Fishman have been told to HUNT ME, for EXTERMINATION. And Jason Ryan Fishman seems to show up where incidences occur with his FELLOW SECURITY GUARD company co workers or FRIENDS.

Lead Officer Charles Sean Dinse of Topanga Division has been PAID OFF to hunt me to have me KILLED or ERADICATED at all costs.

While he posts about his BELIEF SYSTEM on his facebook

"How do we FORCE people into MENTAL INSTITUTIONS" the same DEATH THREATS from Jason Perelman when I was 16 years old.

He and his FRIENDS "Mike Huntley" are going to put me in a mental institution.

And a PLANETARY OBSESSION for 47 years to lock me away in cages like my father does to his dogs with shock collars out of pure HATE and RAGE.

Or taking MONEY to do it.

Jason Ryan Fishman, in his ORIGINAL BEFRIENDING.

Your imagining everything, and just be a good SLAVE and we don't want you are our park, or anywhere else WORLDWIDE. Now then or ever.

This video is Jason Ryan Fishman Working with his Security Guard Friends to HUNT, STALK, ERADICATE.

And the methods of Eradication are Gas Lighting, Gang Stalking. Provoke with Idea of Reference messages, or non stop Passive Aggressive attacks to ry to SET UP, FRAME, get reactions to EXTERMINATE in such methods where the TARGETS are locked away and to be made to look like BAD or CRAZY people.

This has been going on NON-STOP minute by minute since I was 5 years old - 47 years. And I have over 15 years of this parking lot alone of the cryptic car parking, clothing, and verbal harassments almost DAILY, just like all other Public Places WORLDWIDE on video, you name it to have me KILLED or ERADICATED at all costs with BILLIONS of government dollars, all because Dr Ronald Barry Perelman HATES his 5 year old and is AFRAID of his 5 year old child.

Telling Jason Perelman at 7 years old to HUNT ME, and KILL me with him. As I find out at 29 years old met with Mike Huntley's DEATH THREATS while blindsided in complete shock as if he was even joking or not. Taking me a good 8 years to start to understand things and realize that LAPD with my Dr Ronald Barry Perelman will not Tolerate the slightest IMPERFECTION to those who they LABEL for EXTERMINATION.

However they call it Monitoring. Jason Ryan Fishman is a PAID OFF security Company THUG told to ERADICATE at all costs with a WORLDWIDE conspiracy of Security Companies.

And their is a HIERACHY to these Government PROFILING and KILL operations that goes TOP DOWN, from the Police to Security Comapanies to the Citizens told to HUNT AND KILL.

Even 5 year olds.
Jason Ryan Fishman has committed Several Crimes.

"DEATH THREATS" and acting on them
"If I see you again, your dead"

"Filing falsified police reports saying I tried to hit him with my car, shown on video, absolutly nothing happened but a Paid off Piece of Jew killing shit is hunting me to have me killed or trying to set me up or frame me wih Charles Sean Dinse of LAPD paid off to have me KILLED or ERADICATED

With he and officer toro's DEATH THREATS
I had better not leave my house, or If I ever take a picture of a person they will "EXERCISE the law in their own ways"

Partially because Dr Ronald Barry Perelman is so mad at me for getting into Studio Photography with a girl they paid off named Aubrey Fisher and Rodie Morales.

Each and everything is a COVER UP of the next as LAPD and Dr Ronald Barry Perelman has been hunting me since I was 5 years old to have me KILLED or MADE TO LOOK CRAZY.

Because Dr Ronald Barry Perelman is AFRAID of his 5 year old.


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