Walter & Sonica Veith - Dwelling In The Secret Place 2: From Darkness To Light

1 year ago

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Links to Walter's Ten Questions: 155 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Creation vs Evolution, Is Science Right And The Bible Wrong?
156 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith -God vs Big Bang,Is Creation Fiction Or Is Evolution A Religion?

A heavy sledgehammer flies through the air and before Sonica realizes it, Walter is hitting the wall. The shreds fly and the result was an extended room, but where would the family prepare their meal? The kitchen was history.

And incidentally, a huge battle rages in the background for the young family, the family's economic situation, but also that of the entire country, erupts into chaos.
A craftsman appears on the scene and leaves behind a brochure.
Should this craftsman play a decisive role or will he also be dismembered?

Suddenly all the foundations are shaken... The question is now often asked: Where do we go from here?
And then Sonica and Walter reach for a piece of paper and a pen, their last hope is a letter to a still unknown, extraordinary recipient:
Will this letter be answered?

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