Cruel Policies Can Kill People : Professor Denis Rancourt

1 year ago

Contact tracing and forced isolation formed a part of my professional role for about 20 years, and I understand well, how harmful such interventions are, especially for people who are: young; already marginalised; reliant on others for their survival. That isolation and contact tracing was attempted on the entire global population was an insanity that I will never comprehend. The ONLY people who supported it were already in a protected bubble of privilege and comfort ("the laptop class"). It killed many more than it protected.

It is fascinating to me that an academic physicist who was never involved in trying to isolate or contact trace vulnerable people, understands this. But it shows how well he understands his own data analysis, and it shows his humanity.

His data makes complete sense. There was never a pandemic. There was only ever a pLandemic, intended to encourage mass compliance of the victims, to have their assets - including their health - stolen from them for profit and power of a few.

This must never happen again. Do not comply.


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