According to Mr. Miles Guo, Ma Ying-jeou is a complete sellout to Taiwan

10 months ago

1/12/2024【Nicole on Stinchfield Tonight @stinchfield1776】Nicole Tsai: According to Mr. Miles Guo, Ma Ying-jeou is a complete sellout to Taiwan. He is bisexual, and the CCP got dirt on him, making him completely obedient to the CCP! Please buy more pineapple cakes made in Taiwan, supporting Taiwan's economic independence from the influence of the CCP.
#CCP #takedowntheCCP #Taiwanelection
1/12/2024 【妮可做客Stinchfield Tonight節目】妮可:根據新中國聯邦的創始人和領導者郭文貴先生的爆料,馬英九是個徹頭徹尾的賣台賊。他本人是個雙性戀,私生活被中共拿住了把柄,因此他對中共百依百順!請多購買台灣製造的鳳梨酥,支持台灣經濟獨立,遠離中共的影響。
#中共 #消滅中共 #台灣大選

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