The CCP’s ultimate goal is not just about Taiwan but also to take down the US!

1 year ago

1/12/2024 【Nicole on Stinchfield Tonight @stinchfield1776】Nicole Tsai: The CCP’s ultimate goal is not just about Taiwan but also to take down the US! Whistleblowers from China have informed us that the CCP has already prepared responses to the outcomes of the upcoming Taiwan election. That is, if the DPP, an anti-CCP and pro-US party, wins the election, the CCP will impose a total economic blockade and continued military intimidation on Taiwan. This election is crucial not only for the people of Taiwan but also for global peace and security.
#CCP #takedowntheCCP #Taiwanelection
1/12/2024 【妮可做客Stinchfield Tonight節目】妮可:中共的最終目標不只是台灣,而是打垮美國! 來自中國的吹哨人告訴我們中共已經準備好了應對即將到來的台灣大選結果的對策,如果反共親美的政黨民進黨贏得大選,他們將對台灣進行全面經濟封鎖和持續的軍事恐嚇。 這次選舉不僅對台灣人民至關重要,而且對全球和平與安全也是至關重要的。
#中共 #消滅中共 #台灣大選

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