The communists deceive young people by offering them a bill of goods through empty promises

9 months ago

1/12/2024【Nicole on The John Fredericks Show】John Fredericks: Wall Street, the gangster banksters and all those billionaires will continue to pour their money into Communist China. As long as they can make money there, they don’t care who it harms. The communists deceive young people by offering them a bill of goods through empty promises, but ultimately, they will control every aspect of people's lives. Hong Kong has provided us with an answer.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP#taiwanelection
1/12/2024 【妮可作客The John Fredericks Show節目】约翰∙弗雷德里克斯:华尔街、流氓银行家和所有那些亿万富翁们的钱还会流入中共国。只要他们还认为在那有钱赚,他们才不在乎谁会受到伤害。共产主义通过给年轻人画大饼来骗取他们的选票,但最终会控制他们的一切。香港已经给出了一个答案。
#中共 #中國人不等於中共 #消滅中共 #台灣選舉

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