What happened to Hong Kong is a warning for Taiwan!

9 months ago

1/12/2024【Nicole on The John Fredericks Show】Nicole Tsai: TikTok, which censors anti-CCP speech and promotes pro-CCP narratives, is 100% controlled by the CCP! Reciprocal policies should be adopted when dealing with the CCP. What happened to Hong Kong is a warning for Taiwan!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP#taiwanelection
1/12/2024 【妮可作客The John Fredericks Show節目】妮可:審查反共言論並推崇親共言論的TikTok是中共百分之百控制的! 在對付中共的時候,應該採取對等的政策。 香港是台灣的前車之鑑!
#中共 #中國人不等於中共 #消滅中共 #台灣選舉

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