The Werewolf Game

8 months ago

The Game Werewolf: Everyone gets a piece of paper, it's either got "Villager" written on it but 2 have the world Werewolf written. Someone runs the game to make sure that no one is cheating.

They go "It's Nighttime, everyone close your eyes, Werewolves choose someone to Kill. Okay, everyone close your eyes it's night, now it's morning time open them up again.

During the night, Francis was killed.

There is then a conversation between the villagers and the two werewolves over who the werewolves are.

Then at the end of the day the villagers have to decide who they are going to kill and they says, well, were going to kill Konstantin.

It is revealed by the person running the game that Konstantin is a villager and the game continues. The villagers win the game if they kill both werewolves and the werewolves win the game if they kill all but two villagers. The werewolves usually win.

The game was invented by a student of sociology in Russia who wanted to prove his thesis that an UNIFORMED Majority will always lose a battle of Information against an INFORMED Minority.

This shows when you have hidden information, you can completely manipulate a large group of people.

Knock, knock. Who do you think the UNINFORMED is?

The Engine of all Propaganda is the Television Media and coming up close is the Alternative media with all their Plants like Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Derek Johnson, Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson, etc, etc.

But the true engine is the TV.

We all are being played like a Fiddle.

NO Politician will save us. Trump is not a White Hat, nor is he running a "white hat" operation.

We are uniformed because we choose to be. We choose to believe master deceivers who act like they are the best thing for us and promise to "Make America Great Again."

"The Best is yet to Come." And the sheep believe he is talking to them. He is talking to his buddies in the "club." He is the snake.

Don't give them the authority and jurisdiction to manipulate your life.

They have mastered the art of controlling masses by feeding us a scripted narrative composed mostly of lies.

They are completely confident that not enough will wake up to even slow down their agenda.

Let's Wake up and Prove them Wrong.

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